Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Vigil !

HE IS RISEN! He is risen , indeed!

The Mourning Clothes have been removed! 

Let the Celebration Begin!

Here are a few pictures from last night's Easter Vigil. It was amazing! The lighted Paschal candle was brought in and we lit candles from it. The result was beautiful/moving/amazing! I will write more, tonight, but for this morning----please, even if you don't attend church other Sundays, give God a chance today! Go and worship and sing praises with the voices of many that celebrate our Risen Lord! who guarantees you a place in heaven if you believe on Him.  I can promise you that you will be welcomed and not judged....For the many believers, today there are no denominations (and won't be any in heaven either , lol)--we are all of one accord and will be singing the exact same hymns!  
 Christ the Lord is Risen Today! Alleluia !!

 Go and worship our King today! Who is the King of Glory???? Our Christ who sits on the throne! Alleluia!
The Vatican

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