Sunday, October 30, 2011

Orlando! Finally

We forgot about the  time change when we told Kelley/her parents we would make dinner!!!! OH YEAH, they are an hour ahead. We started panicking when we realized that we would be LATE FOR DINNER! Sweet Knuth's saved dinner for us and we made it just as the sun went down--not having time to go and change, we all look a bit bedraggled! LOL. We were tired but happy and thrilled to see my sweet Ryder!!! Here we are at the Knuth's lovely home and afterwards arriving at our Villa! Seven Dwarfs Villa about 20 minutes from the Knuth's....long but fun day!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

We're BAAAAAACK! Part 1

WOW! Can I say AWESOME?!?!?!?! That's how our mini-trip was last week-end! Close quarters but that made it even more fun, believe it or not! haha...I'm going to show pix in parts. First is our trip down. Some funny pictures and that way, it kind of tells the story of our trip!!!! It started off with Laura bringing Ryder's quilt she made him. GORGEOUS!!!!! Then.....we were OFF!!!!!!!! Notice the FULL SUV! Yes, we are playing "GranJan's Car Bingo!" Kemp WON!!!! LOL
 So enjoy PART 1 of the INCREDIBLE JOURNEY! *Tomorrow I will post our dinner/visit with Ryder/Kelley and the Knuth's!