Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here I SIT...

And a bit HOME BOUND!!!! FOr the past week, I've been , shockingly, at HOME every day! Why??? Well, IN A NUTSHELL, my little exercise program went awry and I hurt my knee and now I'm trying to rest it and recover!!!!! GEEZ LOUISE this brings back memories from 27 years ago when I was home bound too! BUT, then I had 4 kids at home and I was pregnant with baby number 5. I fell down the basement steps and ended up with 2 badly broken ankles. After surgery and 2 weeks in the hospital, I was sent home to recuperate with a watermelon sized belly and a hardware store in my right ankle. (the left ankle was "just a regular break"). I almost didn't survive that summer, honestly!!!!! Kids/pregnant/broken ankles/summer time!! But, I did and lived to tell about it (but NOT laugh about it--!). When I woke up one day last week and couldn't maneuver around the room, I knew I had , once again, done something that was going to take some time to heal!!!!!! ARGHH!!!! What is it about ME and SUMMER ?! This time, I'm not pregnant, thankfully, and don't have 4 other children to take care of. BUT, I still feel the same feelings of frustration and anger that I did something stupid , like overworking my legs!!! I pushed and pushed myself! TOO much/TOO long. I even tried running up a hill and hadn't had enough practice doing that nor enough stretching out. So, what happened? Here I sit , right now, with an ice bag attached to my knee and elevating it because I have TENDONITIS!  And the remedy for healing?
R. I. C. E.
I have been doing JUST what the doctor said to do (with a few lapses! LOL). I was on Prednisone and then on Naproxen for inflammation. But, I still couldn't get around good! Soooo, I went BACK to the doctor yesterday and got a Cortisone Shot in the ole knee. OWEEE. But, it has worked. Except , LIKE A FOOL ONCE AGAIN, I did a bit too much on it today b/c I had the false sense it was well. Now, I'm once again, sitting with the ice pack strapped to the knee. And hoping I didn't un-do all the good the before mentioned R.I.C.E. has done on my behalf!

I've never been good at being RESTRAINED. I just go. So, all those feelings I had 27 years ago came rushing back to me once again. The feeling of having to depend on others/ the feeling that you are disabled and can't help yourself and the feeling of quite frankly, frustration and anger. And then, as I was taking a shower and complaining about it to God, He gently reminded me of those who cannot stand because they have NO legs. I quit complaining then and started thanking Him for actually MAKING ME slow down some. I have been reading "the Hunger Games"/ reading my devotional book (wonder why) and praying for others more. I guess sometimes I need to be hit over the freakin' head to just remember to stop being selfish and to start being less worried about ME ME ME and focus more on others. I haven't gotten it ALL in the head yet, but I'm working on it.

Until then....guess I'll just be trying to heal my knee and my slightly soiled soul.

P.S. GOOD news is the nurse came running in my room and said, "YOU HAVE LOST 18 POUNDS SINCE YOU WERE HERE LAST TIME!" (applause !)!

P.S.S. I did REMIND God that I'm going to Disney World with Katie/Jon/Carter in August AND Italy in September! So, not rushing Him or anything, of course.....!

Home made ice pack. LOL

NOTICE BROWN LEGS ! (at least I can sun bathe!)!

This is the copy that I gave Grandma Fry on her birthday in 1978! She loved it!

You might say THIS SPOKE TO ME!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

(Lots of)Sugar and (a little of Spice) and EVERYTHING nice!

Someone wrote under a group of pictures this morning that I had posted on FB, "you are blessed in so many ways". Wow, that really hit home , especially that someone else noticed. I am truly that. And so today, I'm going to give even more thanks to the Giver......Here's yet another blessing God has given our family. Little Blakely Elizabeth Fry---daughter of Charles and Rachel and our youngest grand-daughter who is 2 years old. Tiny and so petite, she is like her mama!... As I write, I hear her chattering in the crib upstairs as she is waking up. She's not crying, she's making the sweetest little sounds --guess she is talking to the angels. Here are some pix of our little Miss B.