Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lenten Journey

Holy Week is upon us and I looked again at some of my pictures from our trip to the Holy Land. Today I'm sharing one from the UPPER ROOM. I remember walking those stairs and feeling so overwhelmed that this could possibly be the very room that Jesus had his Last Supper with His disciples before His death. we walked up the old steps and walked into the small room. It was pretty overwhelming , for sure. What was I thinking as I gazed there???

I will be thinking of walking those steps and wondering how those disciples thought and felt. They did not know what was coming, they just assumed it was another dinner, but oh how shocking the night turned out to be. Especially when Jesus began to wash their feet. Like Peter, I would've freaked out. So, today, thinking of ways I can serve others. Not just in big ways, but small, yet significant ways. For me, sometimes, it's just letting go of my point of view and listening to the opinion of someone else, whether I agree or not. This, to me, is in a way serving someone else. Listening. Without judgment. Without condemnation. Simply: Listening . It's truly a gift to someone . Sometimes that's all He asks of us. To give others a chance......
sorry for the blur. These were made from my scrapbook page and I just shot a pix of the pix :)

 #walkingtotheupperroom #longwalkup #whatdidyouseeintheupperroom #serving #Jesuswashedfeet #canIdoless

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