Monday, March 21, 2016

Day 40 Lenten Journey

Holy Week begins....This week is such an important week in the life of any Christian believer. I always say that if you don't walk this week, Easter won't be as glorious to you. I'm thankful to have been in denominations that understand that. As a new Anglican, even more so this year. During this Holy Week: because started on Palm Sunday and then  on to  Maundy Thursday, then Good Friday ,  the Saturday Vigil and then finally comes Resurrection Day aka Easter Day.  I'm a reader on Maundy Thursday night service . Exodus  12: 1-14. The Passover verses. I hope my little Sunday Schoolers are listening and remember why Passover is celebrated by our Jewish brothers and sisters!

Speaking of Passover, here's a few pix from our classroom on Sunday. Three of my kiddos were late so they didn't get in the pictures, but you will enjoy seeing the others tasting some of the Passover foods (well, remember, stretch your imagination on the foods!  No offense to any Jewish friends reading! LOL!)

The kids had a blast, as you can tell! And, I even had to get them to clean up and line up by themselves as I had to scoot out early to get "miked up" for a reading in church. They did awesome and I do believe the "hands on" lesson was a hit. Hopefully, more than that, they will remember what Passover was and that Jesus ate Passover when He was their age, too! (only, maybe a LITTLE different foods. LOL).....

 *Oh, and this little lamb lost her front teeth. Recognize her? Yep, my own little "Flower Grandchild"aka, Toothless, DAISY.

As you journey towards Easter, this week, go read Exodus 12: 1-14. I will be thinking about the Lamb that was slain on Passover, but looking at it from the Christian view and  with much more emphasis on the Lamb than the other foods and the sacrifice that was given on my behalf (and yours).....  Hard to grasp, this love.

#passoverfoods #CTKpassover #dontmissthesignificance #powerful #watchthelamb

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