Lenten Journey Day 14

Wondering what you are looking at???? Well, today my blog entry is going to be titled "WORDLESS TUESDAY" (well, as "wordless" as I can be, haha)....Here you are taking a minuscule look at some of the pictures I made while at the Vatican in Rome. I wish I could post them all , but have chosen those that will show up best.I included some have posted several of tapestries b/c, Terry, being a "carpet man", we especially were intrigued with those as they were made centuries ago, by hand. Hard to imagine the YEARS that they took in creating them. Also all the incredible paintings on the walls/ the statues/ the art. I have a gazillion pictures and each time I look at one, again, my mind is blown. Look in detail at each picture. So many details and each tells a story. From the way an angel bows prostrate to the hands raised by those depicted in the paintings. And the faces! Oh, the gifted artists! ...Whether you have been yourself to the Vatican or not you will enjoy these b/c , more than likely, you didn't see this. *Our tour guide (she is the one holding the umbrella---so knowledgeable! Anyway, she , herself, was baptized as a baby there , in one of the many chapels*.She said that if the Pope walked into each room and studied each picture/ statue/ art it would take many, many years!
If you have NOT visited the Vatican, I cannot fully explain the enormity of it. (And we only saw a small smidgen of all that is in there). No matter if you are Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Non-Denominational or ANGLICAN (insert smiley face), you will be touched/amazed/ overwhelmed and in somewhat of disbelief that you are gazing upon works of art like the world has never seen. I would love to go back. To Rome AND to the Vatican. But, if I never get that chance again, I can still look at all the hundreds of pictures I made in the Vatican ...and be blessed. (don't worry, I'm not posting all 400+ photos. HA! Don't want to blow up my blogspot!).
I purposelessly put vertical pictures, mostly because I could make them larger and you could see more details. Scroll across, if you can, and notice the ceilings in some of those.
I ended with pictures in St.Peter's Basilica.would you believe it can host 20,000 believers? Of course, huge mosaics and, like from Bernini and most famously, Michelangelo's "Pieta". (I almost freaked when I saw it. Truly).Again, truly mind boggling and the only thing I did not enjoy was that I didn't have time to tell everyone else to leave so that I could kneel at one of those amazing altars (haha). Seriously, if I were the Pope, I'd go in there every single night, by my lonesome, and pray. It would be like standing in the middle of the saints and all God's Glory!
..Enjoy and look at each photo and ask yourself this, like I am doing this morning : How important is Church History to you? And , does art touch you and give you new visions of Christ and His church?
#carrythecross #LentenJourney2016 #Vaticantreasures #neverseenanythinglikeit #want2goback #priclessworksofArt #Roma
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