Monday, February 15, 2016

DAY 6 Spending

Wow,  it seems like all I do is post now! I'm pretty sure I have lost lots of readers! LOL! Tis ok, I'm writing for me anyway. And any other random peeps who might be bored or just piqued by my musings.........winky face.

Question of the day (from A.W. Tozer):


I feel good about this one, actually. Thankfully, I have a husband who manages all our money so well. I never worry about bills that need paying or other bills that we might incur.  well, unless they are my bills (lol). Seriously, I am so eternally thankful that my husband has always given God the firstfruits of his labor despite times that were hard.  I am obviously NOT a math person, so I am so thankful that I have a husband who knows how to take care of our money! As far as how we spend it?  of course we pay our immediate needs and what is left over, we either save or spend on those we love. And we do splurge on some things we love to do as a couple---eating out or taking a little vaca. I actually gave him , for his b'day, a scrapbook of some of them, many vacations we have taken. It's so neat to go back and look. And remember... So, that money that we spent (or carpet companies who did FOR us, lol), I am grateful...In addition,  a good bit of our income goes to IsaiahSixEight.  "Terry's mission". (more on that on another blog entry)... It's pretty simple. And God has not let us down yet. And if something horrible happened to us financially....God is still good.

I was thinking of the story of the Young Ruler. (well, mainly b/c the book "The 7 Experiment" is on my mind. You can say what you want to , and I have heard a million and ones different takes on this in sermons over my lifetime, it's tough, this story.(Luke 18: 18-23
The author Of "7" is great and I love her writing. She wrote "let everything you can think of, even beyond THE CHURCHY ANSWERS, as to why Jesus sets wealth and position up as enemies of the gospel, nearly impossible to  reconcile---even for good people"
*See why I said this book was brutally honest?* and these words:

"and if He is to be believed, it is our wealth that will keep us from saying  yes"......OMG, that's tough to read. And then,  I "fast forwarded" to the chapter on "spending" (ugh) and here's just a tidbit to think on today.

*annual US spending on cosmetics: $8 billion
*Annual US spending on pet food: $17 billioin
*Annual spending on perfume: $12 billion

and the question (again, I'm cheating in my book and reading ahead, but it just is perfect with the Lenten question today)....

"Curbing spending could go one of two ways; either we spend less to save more, or we spend less to GIVE more. Do you lean more one way than the other?" (from  "the 7 Experiment"

This is something I am going to pray on this morning and think about. It's a hard question and one I struggle with.I might say "Oh I do this and this, with my money and it's all good". Or I might say, "I need to give more." Usually I go with the first response in answer to the question. we are not rich whatsover, UNLESS you compare us to the rest of the world. Then , everyone in the USA is considered rich! And that's hard to digest sometimes.......... ("but when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich" Luke 18:23).

#carryon  #40days #lentenjourney #sometimesitshard #keepingmyeyesonHim


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