Saturday, February 20, 2016

11th Lenten Day

It's still dark, as I type! Dogs got me up at 4:30. Geez Louise! But, once I DO get up, it's all good. More day to enjoy/do stuff in and no phone ringing or anything to distract me. As I type I hear Chi Chi SNORING already!  OMG, he is already back asleep and I am awake! *yawn*

I was thinking this morning about living in the South. I've blogged on "Southern Living" before, but I must say, I love love love being a Southern Belle. I can't imagine living anywhere else (but if I did, I'm sure I'd love being a: Yankee/ a California Girl/ a Floridian also!). But, I'm born and bred BAMA girl  (roll tide) and couldn't be happier. We get it all here in Bama! 4 seasons! Now, mostly 1 season  (haha), but, YES, for those who ask, it gets COLD in the 'Ham in January/ Feb. (although this Feb. has been awesome. It's going to 73 degrees today. Perfect outside weather. (and I"m SURE joggers will run past in short shorts and "wife beater" shirts today, lol). LOVE our weather. EXCEPT in March/April. That would be Tornado Weather in the South, especially us. I start worrying about where all my (grown) kids are the minute I hear sirens. And I start looking for them. It's scary/it's nerve wracking and on those days I wish I were living in New York. HA! But, for the most part, love my Hoover, Alabama and living on my little Lake Cyrus lake and enjoying life as an old woman!

Like, who wouldn't love this view every day??? (notice the clouds reflecting in the water!). But, of course, ME, I am wanting more. Always. not more "things" but more views. Yes, I also have been dying to have a 2nd home at the Beach. (yes,Alabama has beautiful white sandy beaches!). Big T & I have talked about this sooo much. But, as the days go by, I am seeing that most likely it will be Lake Cyrus water that I will be looking at and not the Gulf of Mexico. BOO. At least not anytime soon. With Terry wanting to start retiring a bit (just maybe cutting off one work day a week), it would be awesome to say "we're going to our Beach House this week-end". But, now , thinking of the big "R" word, that might not be the case. Boo times two. But, then again, who knows? I would certainly love to have that great beach place to watch my beautiful grands playing in the sand and water. AHHHH. Is there anything sweeter? But, again, right now, that's not in the cards. And I am fine with that. (until March when I start having BEACH ENVY).

I was thinking about our little lake and how Jesus spoke in front of the "Sea of Galilee" so often and how water was such a part of His ministry. Fishing/ nets/ "walking on water"/ preaching in front of it. And guess what? The SEA of Galilee is a LAKE. Betcha didn't know that, didya?( Of course you did. I was just testing your Bible geography knowledge. LOL) The reason I know is b/c we have BEEN there. Yes, indeed.  It's huge, tho. We took a boat ride across it and had Holy Communion at sunset in front of it. AMAZING. So, Jesus loved His lake. And I love mine, too. It's tiny. It's DEEP. It's beautiful during sunrise where I can look right above my computer as I'm tapping on these keys and see it. And it never ceases to amaze me and choke me up. Sunrise over our little itty bitty lake is beautiful. Right now I am listening to the birds sing. It's as if they are saying, "come on , Sun! time to rise!" It's till dark right now but I am getting excited about the sunrise. And the SONrise. Yes, as we go through Lent, and especially go through  Holy Week, I get all angsted (that a word? probably not! but you get my drift.)  thinking about it. I DREAD the whole week starting with Monday. I start thinking about how it was His last week. How nervous He must have been. How LITERALLY He had the weight of the world on His shoulders. How the disciples were clueless. I debate about whether I should watch "Passion of the Christ" on video again. I dread reading those scriptures because it makes me feel queasy and so sad. How He knew the Last Supper was going to be HUGE. And then....Friday. UGH. I hate Good Friday. I remember asking Mimi when I was a little girl, "why do they call it GOOD Friday if Jesus died?" and I remember her looking at me with this wistful smile and said, "You know, I don't know, because it wasn't, was it". Terry and I have also have walked the Via Dolorosa ! While we were there, there were throngs of Christians , worldwide, walking the streets, carrying crosses and singing, in their own languages, hymns. AMAZING and so moving to this day I tear up thinking about it. Wanting to experience that walk He took....And then, on Saturday we wait until SUNDAY. Glorious Sunday. Resurrection Day. But, for those denominations that do not celebrate all the days of Holy Week, I'm confused. How can you go from Palm Sunday to Easter? As hard as it is, you HAVE to go through the "last supper" and "Good Friday". However else would you understand the COST of our salvation? So, thankful again, to be an Anglican. Because Holy Week at our church starts on Ash Wednesday and then the week of Holy Week---Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday worship services.Yeah. Lots of services.  But each one unique and each one helping piece the puzzle of Jesus' last week. I need all those pieces to complete my Easter.

So, for today, (I'm STILL waiting for the sunrise), I am thankful for Lake Living and Sunrises. wait a minute.  THE SONrise.  Yes. Thankful that the Son Rose and for every new day that  I get to think about that as I look out my window when the dark edges of the night disappear to the rosy pinks and golds of a brand new day. Amazing stuff.

#carryon #sunrise #SONrise #carrythecross #lakeliving #content #butwouldloveabeachhousehaha

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