And good morning from down in Dixie! it's cold this morning and I'm sure hoping the weather report holds true for warmth this week-end! It's Ella Kate's third b'day and , the Cullens are heading over from Atlanta so we can host her big day! It's a "Princess and Pirate Pancake Party"! Yes, a BREAKFAST Birthday party and the kids are wearing their PJ's. (Shhh, don't tell but GranJan is wearing PJ's, too! LOL) We are so excited to share in our precious little EK's big # 3. The pix I posted above reminds me her b/c everyone who knows our little diva knows from 2 seconds "from womb to earth", she has had a BOW on her head! LOL!!!!!! Love it. *But, hey--even back in the OLD DAYS, Mimi had bows in MY hair/ I put them in my girls hair and the tradition continues!* So, here's to our BOW BOW GIRL! I'll definitely be posting pix of her party afterwards too. As it stands now, all 9 grandloves will be here! YAY!
Today I'll be posting a few pix of my fav pictures of Gabriella Kate Cullen over the past 3 years. What joy she has brought. What challenges (she's s real diva). What laughter. What love. Katie says "she's GranJan made over". Now I wonder what she means by that???? HAHA! So thankful God blessed Jon and Katie with this baby girl. She is sandwiched between 2 boys but don't think for a minute this middle child/ this little blonde haired doll lacks attention! no way! she holds her own and is feisty/fearless and FABULOUS!
We give thanks to God for blessing us with EK , # 8 of our 9 grandbabies. Thank you, dear Lord, for this precious baby girl!!!!!! *
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Gabriella Kate Cullen! we love you and thank GOD for you!
And, my most cherished. Mimi (99) and EK (4 months). Look at Mimi's hands and EK's little feet. Priceless. (and yes, I have a large canvas of one of them!)!
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