Friday, January 7, 2011

responses from dear friends mean SOOOO much!

I told you I was going to put a few responses from friends (via inbox and emails) from friends who commented on my blog the other day, but only  thier initials to protect their privacy. {They know who they are!  ;) }Both had responses that I thought you would enjoy as well as I did. They made me cry, actually. Thanks u

SOOOO, if you write to me, beware! I just might tag you in your emails and inboxes & put you on here!!!!.....BTW, here's my pix for today from PROJECT 365. Anyone recognize this special lady???? Hint: she has been my friend/housekeeper since 1983. She knows me just about as well as anyone on the planet!!!! (* I LOVE YOU, LAURA!!!!)!
"You have done it again! I am sitting here and just read your blog and I have a smile on my face and tears in my eyes! No wonder Patrick is homesick!!! Everyday is truly Fryday for your family and whether it be Christmas or ground hog day you make the most of fun of it all. You have to be one of the most special people I will have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I wish you all many good things in 2011 and Lord knows you have many coming to you! Thank you for sharing your blog with me! ----
Love you much,    M."
".I have been going through an identity crisis for years. Right after I graduated high school, I got into a relationship, a really bad one that made me stray away from my friends, my family, I lost who I was and most of all I lost God when I was in it. That relationship ended almost 4 years ago now and it took me till last year to start to discover who I was in a way. I got back into church and got extremely close with my family again but it wasnt until last year that I started to find ME again. And even when I started to find ME I still strayed away from God. Not on purpose, but like you said in your blog, we make time and have time for so many other things that don't seem that important but when it comes to time for God, it doesnt seem to happen. I prayed everyday and went to church on Sundays but not regularly. I knew that my life wasnt going to work without God and I knew that whatever plan he had for me, it was going to happen whether it was what I wanted or not. Well towards the end of 2010 I really came to understand me and understand that I have greatness and talents and amazing people around me and I truly began to identify and meet myself again but it still didnt seem like enough. I went to the candlelight mass at Church of the Highlands for Christmas with my family and I was moved to tears and happiness being with God on his birthday and with my family and I relaized right then and there that what I had known all along, MY LIFE MEANS NOTHING WITHOUT GOD in it!!! So this past Sunday I went to Church of the Highlands again. I grew up Catholic and have always gone to Catholic church but there was something about the way Pastor Chris spoke to me on Christmas day. So, this past Sunday as I sat in Chruch with my mom, it was like the message Pastor Chris gave was for me. He spoke to me and opened my eyes in a way that they havent been in a long time. He talked about discovering who we are and time and how the end is near and how our relationship with God needs to be #1 and I knew the change I needed to make right then and there.

There is a book called The Awakening by Stovall Weems and I bough it at COTH but you can get it anywhere. Its a "program" or a way to help you become closer to God and give him the power. It's 21 days to Revolutionize your Relationship with God and its all about giving him the Power to work inside us and grow closer with him. It's about hitting the reset button and starting a new Fresh, satisfying and passionate relationship with God and I am participating in this 21 days of prayer. I wanted to tell you about it because when I signed on Facebook this morning, the first thing I noticed was that you wrote a new blog and I LOVE reading your blogs. However, this morning it was different for me. It was yet again another message that had been written by somebody special that spoke to me again and while Im in the middle of reading this blog, I hear a song playing that made me have to stop reading just so I could listen to it. When I scrolled up to see what it was, it was "I Still Believe" by Jeremy Camp. I have never heard it before but it was exactly how I felt. I do still believe and even though we stray and lose sight sometimes, I know right where I need to be and I need and want God to know that I DO STILL BELIEVE and that I will strive every single day to make him #1!

So I felt I needed to share this with you for some reason and I wanted to thank you for your "message" to me this morning and for sharing such personal things to you. I truly love reading your blogs and especially the one this morning. If you get chance, please look that book up online because I think thats its absolutely perfect for what you wrote and described.

Love you Mama Fry
**HUGS**-- from "S"



Konie said...

Janice! I don't think Laura ever ages!!!!! Black people always look so much younger than they are!!! :):):)

JaniceFry said...

Laura looks just like she did when she started working for me 28 years ago!