Monday, March 28, 2011

wow! Overwhelmed!

Wow, can't believe there are that many of yall out there who actually like to read what this big ole dork writes!!!!! I'm flattered and I guess I should be embarrassed that I sometimes use very incorrect English and poor word usage (Sorry, Mrs. "i- forgot- your- name- high -school- English Teacher"!). Anyway, now I feel the pressure is ON! BAHAHAHA! I am still in the process of getting all of you in here before I post again. It appears someone hacked into my blog and even copied some PIX! That is kind of freaky, even for me, who is not freaky about stuff like that, ordinarily ! I mean, who really CARES about my silly little blog about my life?  and who wants our pictures?Yep, theres' some creeps out there. So, I had to go private (and I used to make fun of those who did that! oops)! I'm also waiting to get a "heads up " about posting pix from the wedding, too. I promised Patrick I would wait until he said I could! Until then, I'll post some other FRY HAPPENINGS!!! I PROMISE, I'll keep things interesting! Right now I'm trying to change some stuff on here, too. So , patience! lol (something i know nothing about!)! ....AGAIN, flattered that so many want to visit my blog---hey, how about commenting every once in a while? Don't be a stranger! haha.

1 comment:

Konie said...

All of a sudden I was wondering what happened to my computer! I had to sign in.:) I LIKE private blogs. You can see from my pic that I "started" one but stopped. Told Ken that IF I continued it would be private. Too many creepy people out there!!!! Can't wait to read the rest when you write:) love you......