Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Katie's Baby Shower!

Katie had a wonderful day for a baby shower! It was this past Sunday, March 13th. Warm, sunny day and just perfect to celebrate a new life coming into the world! Only one "fly in the ointment". Katie was sick! She woke up sick with tummy upset and feverish. After loading her up with tylenol and meds, she felt well enough to go. She just put on a "happy face" and dealt with it!! Bless her heart!  She did fine until the end, then she was starting to feel queasy. So, she didn't even get to taste the delicious food Kadie/Rachel and Nat and BRAD made for the party!  (yes, Brad made a dish!). The party was at Michael/Kadie's beautiful home and everything looked great, as always! Natalie/Rachel and of course, Kadie , were the hostesses. It was a great time! I think we counted over 30 people there, which was wonderful. Standing room only!!!! She got some incredible gifts for baby Carter. So many HANDMADE items from friends and family. Monogrammed baby hats/burp cloths/clothes. Unreal! Smocked outfits (she loves) and surprise, some of her own old baby clothes. (I know, I know, she was a GIRL but I did have some YELLOW gowns I had kept!). She got her carseat/Stroller combo (thanks to Kadie/Michael and Charles/Rachel!)! and and her Crib Bedding which is beautiful (thanks Nat/Brad!) and a great PACK AND PLAY from Jon's mom which also has a changing table and mobile, etc. on it. It is awesome and they already put it up beside their bed. They got so many lovely gifts---stuffed animals/HANGERS (needed!)/bath items/ a play mat/ diapers/you name it , she got it! Even a dear NAVY MOM friend of mine sent her a gift from New Jersey! unreal!!!! I will post as many pix as I can, just too many to post all.  Anyway, she is so grateful to so many who came and brought our newest little angel-to-be some lovely gifts. She is fine now and is feeling great. (just sad she had to feel puny last Sunday!)....

OH! This is crazy, but I made some gorgeous pictures of Blakely on Saturday morning (will post those next time!!!) and put my Canon down on the table as usual. went to make  a pix later that day and guess what--horror of horrors for me, the camera was DEAD. Not , as in BATTERY, (tried that), but the button you shoot with wouldn't even work. AT ALL. I freaked. I cried. I screamed. I pouted. I became sick to my stomach, thinking of the pictures I could miss in San Diego this week-end (another post coming about that!) and the new babies. Sure, I have the other small cameras but my CAMERA is my BEST FRIEND in the whole world!!!!! (sorry, Bobbie. you're next to my Canon). ANYWAY, I was sooooo distraught that even TERRY felt bad for me!!!! Next thing I knew, he was looking at them online!!!! Then, KATIE/JON/TERRY AND I ALL Of us were looking at them online!!! Long story short. We found one. At the best price. wanna know where? COSTCO (and we looked for 3 hours at prices EVERYWHERE)! I am BEYOND excited and , right at this very minute, it is ON ROUTE to my house! RIGHT NOW! I WON'T EVEN LEAVE B/C  I CANNOT WAIT TO GET IT! YAY!!!! Soooo, I will have GREAT PIX with my NEW Canon (it is supposed to be even MORE AMAZING than my old one (of course, newer model) and I am thrilled to death and so thankful to my sweet hubby for buying it for me. Not cheap so i need to really be NICE now! LOLOLOL!!! SERIOUSLY, soooo excited to get it!!!! Some of the pix I made at the shower were with Katie's Canon (which is awsome, too) and my little one. you can definitely tell the difference which is the better camera by the pictures. (altho I did get some great shots in Cancun with the small one!)

Next post will be SAN DIEGO! Lots coming up. Stay tuned ....


Konie said...

Such a nice shower!!!! Still hard to believe Katie is having a baby! HAHUMMMMMMMMMMM....I knew nothing about this shower and BOBBIE did???????????!!!!!! :):):):) JK:)))) I'm so glad it was a beautiful day for Katie and that she could feel ok to share those joyful hours with friends and family. Was one of the pics with Jon's mom? She favored Jon:)) sweet:)

JaniceFry said...

Konie, I didn't want you to feel like you had to drive up from Dothan!!! That's the ONLY reason you weren't there!!!! And you WOULD HAVE!!!..Yes, that was Jon's mom.....She had a wonderful day but, of course, missed her MAMA KONIE!