Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 4 Lenten Journey

Today is Day Four of my Lenten Journey.  During our Ash Wednesday service, Father Lyle ended the service asking these questions from A.W. Tozer  and to think on them. I'm going to list the 7 questions and then I am going to do one a day and share . They are very good questions and some interesting ones as well...:

1. What do you want most?

2. What  do you think about?

3. How do you use your money?

4. What do you do with your leisure time?

5. What company do you enjoy?

6. Who and what do you admire?

7. What do you laugh at??


Wow, even the first question is a kicker.  WHAT DO I WANT MOST?  So many answers to this one, not that I "want" so much as far as "things" but what I want  "to see happen" might be more of the question for me.  While this is a blog, it's also open to everyone. And , while I'm   pretty much "an open book", there are still many things I keep close to the vest. Close to my heart. Close to my whispers to the Almighty. But I will share a few because I can't whittle down to one thing. What I truly want most is simply "Know You more". Know God so well that I won't second guess myself when I have to make a decision. to know Him so well that I won't have to ask Him, "is it wrong to do this/think that /want this /hear that?" to be in such close communion that every breath I take and every move I make might be in synchronization with His will for my life. Sound impossible? John Wesley always said we should strive for perfection :
"What is then the perfection of which man is capable while he dwells in a corruptible body, It is the complying with that kind command, "My son, give me thy heart." It is the "loving the Lord his God with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his mind." This is the sum of Christian perfection: It is all comprised in that one word, Love. The first branch of it is the love of God: And as he that loves God loves his brother also, it is inseparably connected with the second: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself:" Thou shalt love every man as thy own soul, as Christ loved us. "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets:" These contain the whole of Christian perfection.".

Oh man, I do love me some John Wesley. I can imagine what it must've been like to have heard his sermons. Uncomfortable? sometimes. Exciting? pretty much always. Full of energy? I think the man was a fireball of energy. And seemed to be on point on so many things. And I'm finding the same to be true of A.W. Tozer , who our minister quotes and talks of often. I am excited to be reading some of his words. (just listen to WDJC, they are always giving his books as gifts if you're "caller number such and such". LOL.). I am going to read "The Pursuit of God"after Terry finishes it. 

 Add to those writers and men of God some of my other favs. Max Lucado being my MOST fav. And even some women--(yay!) Beth Moore is also a fav. She's another one who "lays it out there". She's sometimes hard to muddle thro, tho b/c she IS so deep.  And while I love all those authors you won't agree 100% with any one of them. And that's why it's good to have a variety. So you can figure out what "fits your faith best"... I SO love to read. (thank you, Daddy). And I think that's why I also love to write. OMG, I have a closet FULL of my random musings, but I will say, most are about my faith. re-reading some of my own words, is sometimes cringe worthy.  I see how immature I was when I first starting writing. I didn't have a full picture. But, then, do we ever?  

If I had any great wisdom to pass on to you (if you're reading and wanting to know how you can get closer to God this Lenten season), I would suggest getting a devotional. Or two. Or three! Because each one will give different ideas to help you/ encourage you and guide you to God.  Here are the 3 I am reading this Lenten Season:

1."Streams in the Desert". THIS book, friends, has been my most faithful encourager since high school! I read the original version by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman (they have abridged copies but I love the old one). copyright is 1925 so it has old terms, terms like my grandparents used to use. But, it's strangely familiar to me. Anyway, it's a daily devotion and I swear, each day was written for ME. Yes, I'm pompous enough to say that. HA! Seriously, it's amazing how each day seems to bury into my heart. When I first started reading it I didn't really understand some of what the author was writing about. words unfamiliar but consoling to me. Now that time has passed those words now MEAN something to me. As I've grown I am understanding more fully. It's a gem, that book. And, truly, my daily companion.

2. Along with the masses I also read "Jesus Calling". I was skeptical at first b/c it was one of those books that EVERYBODY was reading and I almost got tired of seeing on FB (oops, FB just crept in again, lol) showing underlined readings, etc. But, then I got hooked too. Because it reminded me of an older book called, interestingly enough, "GOD calling" , that was similar. Anyway, I started reading and it was the perfect twin to "Streams in the Desert" to read one and then the other. In "Jesus Calling" I do so often feel His Voice. I just bet the author is a Methodist, too. Because it OOZES of Grace. LOL

3.  Next "the 7 Experiment". All I can say is "wow". And , "did I pick up the wrong one to buy?" Because it's gonna get hard, this one. I read and I put it back down. Because it's one you won't just think about, you will dream about it at night.  This book that I found 2 weeks ago in Lifeway after looking at ten gazillion. Why the HECK did I choose that one? Actually, I bought it for Terry for his b'day (haha) but guess who is doing it first? Yes, it's a Bible Study, really supposed to be done as a group and YES, it has questions to answer. But, the author, A WOMAN, Jen Hatmaker, is a great writer. Actually, I'm jealous b/c she writes like I want to write. witty/ self depreciating and full of wisdom. I'll let you know how this one goes. I pick it up and read and put it down again. It's that all consuming. And a book , not unlike, "Radical" by David Platt if that tells you anything.  Let me just say, if you feel comfortable where you are---just doing your thing and worrying about you, then don't read this book. Because it's going to make you think. And re-think your life. 

So, that's my (too long)  take on Day 4.  "SO, you didn't answer the first question", you are saying. You're right. I tried to dodge that bullet. Let me just say this: What I want most is to write again. Doing this 40 days , I didn't really know what God wanted of me. I just went along with Him. Said, pretty much, "Ok , God, I'll get off FB and I'll use the time I'd spend on there to be with You and ask You want you want me to do. I'm pretty old and tired and don't have much time left to follow my dreams but I'll give You what I have. And You know, that ain't much". Pretty much my conversation , half heartedly going along with it. And then,  on Shrove Tuesday night of all things, the fire that took the life of Kathy/Madelyn and Kayla happened. Put me in a different place. Solemn. Sad. Perplexed....and then my fingers did the talking. As they always have. And I knew. God wanted me to write for 40 days. Be real. Be transparent. Be honest. Be truthful. Be patient. Learn. Read. Share. Fall. Get up. Cry.  Laugh. Love.
 And so goes Day 4 as I try to implement this, on this, my 4th Lenten Day and my 45th Wedding Anniversary. LOVE being the key word today. Here I am waiting for my groom. Feb.13, 1971

#followthecross #lentenjourney #takemeintoYourPresence #LOVE

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