Monday, January 2, 2012

FryBaby is here

During the holidays, we were blessed to have all our children/grandchildren here. Patrick, Kelley and Ryder arrived Dec.26th and are here through tomorrow. I am NOT thinking about them leaving in the morning RIGHT NOW. Right NOW I am going to enjoy the last few hours we have together!!!! It might be awhile before Patrick gets to get home again. He will probably go on a deployment in the early summer for several months--probably stretching into next Christmas. So, for his siblings, this time with him is special and dear. Terry and I are planning to fly out to see them--hopefully, a few times before he leaves! They are in San Diego, so not a "hop , skip and jump" for us to see them!!!! It was awesome to see my children together again. Like old times, they jump into their role in the family just like they always did. Patrick is the # 4 child of the 5. The youngest boy. The only blonde. (in case you didn't know! HAHAHA)!. He joined the Navy almost 4 years ago this coming April. I can't believe it has been FOUR YEARS! I look back to January of 2008 and how I sobbed and moaned for the months leading up to his leaving. He was the FIRST to fly away from the nest. The others were married (except Katie and Jon who married that Oct) , but none had left the state of Alabama. I was fearful/sad/ an emotional wreck/frustrated and worried. And I'm a Christian who trusts GOD!!! What was wrong with me??? I cried out to God over and over for God to protect him and give me peace. It was a long time coming , but it happened. And , sometime over the time away, and when he was home on leave, he met KELLEY. I do believe God sent her to him just at that small window of time to meet and fall in love. They did. Their relationship moved quickly and they faced some challenges ahead---little Ryder decided to come sooner than planned. They trusted God and relied on parents/siblings to help them thro. Fast forward---they are married with precious little Ryder. Now he is not alone in San Diego. Now he has a purpose in his life. Patrick has always adored his nephews and nieces so I knew he would one day be a great father.  While I hate that when he leaves, Kelley will be there without him, she WILL have her son to give her comfort and joy while Patrick is away. That comforts MY heart. I know when he will have to leave his wife/son that it will be the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Now he will know how MY heart broke when he left!
Yes, I still cry when they leave (already started!). I still feel that pain of loneliness that I can't just run and see Ryder whenever I want. I still have that sadness that he won't know me as well as he might if he lived closer. But, I trust GOD once again. He will fill those places that are hurting with the ability to SKPYE Patrick, Kelley and Ryder often and He will continue to make Kelley/Patrick's relationship stronger as they will have to rely on Him when family is not close. I am so proud of Kelley that she is starting Nursing School in a few days in San Diego!!!! She is so smart and she will do great. I know that will give her something to hold on to when Patrick is away and that she will have her studies and her son to concentrate on during lonely times. Both sets of parents grieve that our baby grandson is so far away. But both sets of grandparents TRUST GOD'S GREAT PROVIDENCE!  He has taken perfect care of our little Fry Family  in San Diego thus far and I know that He will continue to!......Here are a few pictures of our time with them and more will come tomorrow! We are heading to see MIMI today, always emotional but , again, God will even ease that good-bye as well.....! These first pictures are with GranJan and Big T and Ryder's precious mommy and daddy. Sibling pix with Ryder/Kelley/Patrick will come next!

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