Almost to 40 days but still 8 days till Easter. And, just as Laura always says, "here comes that cold snap!" Ugh! Windy/rainy and cooler temps. Rain, get on out of here before Easter Sunday!
Two weeks ago, the CTK kids made cards for a classmate of mine's son who was burned badly in a wreck on the day of EK's b'day party--Feb. 27. Since that time he was flown to Augusta, Ga. where he is receiving care at one of the premier burn centers in the USA. He road will be a LONG one. His sister writes on a Caringbridge Page several times a day b/c he has already had many surgeries in just 3 weeks and faces countless more over the next year(s). They are growing his own skin! This amazes me that this is even possible. But by small 3 x 3 squares at a time. His body has cadaver skin now but will be replaced with his own as it is grown and placed on him. Since he was burned 80% of his body, he will need a lot and it will take a long time. His story has touched many hearts here and I wanted our children to be involved with helping cover his hospital walls with cards of hope/love. So, we made cards and I mailed them off in a big packet. The children even took it upon themselves to write their own prayer on our white board. They are having bracelets made with "courage for christian" (Christian Cooper is his name) and I was hoping to get some by tomorrow but they weren't delivered to the drop off location in time. I want all my CTK kids to wear one!....Also, our kids at CTK pray for
one of our missionary's son: Daniel Losey. Daniel has been a very sick little boy. He is 12 and received a new heart (PTL) but has had a lot of hurdles since. He is slowly making progress but seems to have a lot of setbacks as well. Since he is around the age of my 4-5th graders, I wanted them to make him a little fun , interactive , scrapbook! I also took some of the pictures I made of the kids when they were making Christian's cards and used some in Daniel's book.
So , today, I ask prayer for 2 special young men. Totally different circumstances but both need a lot of prayer. Christian Cooper and Daniel Losey. You can actually go to Christian's brand new webpage which gives his Caringbridge link . The webpage is still under construction but you can get the link there if you wish to read about/ support him. His is a journey that will take years. He will probably be in Augusta for at least a year. So, please , pray for him! And also , of course, for Daniel's new heart. That it will continue to give him life and life more abundantly!
Here are a few pix of "my" kids making cards for both these young men. They were so excited to be a part of praying for them and making them cards/scrapbook to let them know!
#trainthemupintheLord #SundaySchool #CTKangels #letalittlechildleadthem #Jesusheartmustbehappyseeingthese #privilege2teachthem #carrythecross
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