Friday, March 4, 2016

Day 23 Lenten Journey

This incredible photo I made while looking at the Vatican Art. Some of my pictures I was shooting so fast just to get some photos to look at details later b/c, of course, we were being slightly rushed along. This is one of those. I LOVE this painting! It is behind a grate b/c they want to preserve it from too much light/ human touch, etc. I assume they will, at some point, start restoration on it. (with the millions in there, it might take a million years to get around to it!). I imagine the painter of this understood all too well how if feels to be in prison.So, in case you didn't know, this is Paul in prison (well, duh, you say!). But, look at the details. All are asleep. Paul is asleep in his chains which are attached to the guards arms. It looks as if Paul is either asleep or deep in prayer. The guards on the right is asleep but the guard behind Paul has his shield up, it looks like, b/c of the appearance of the angel. I wonder----did they SEE the angel or just the angel's glory?  Paul hasn't seen her yet. She is reaching and touching him. It's like a snapshot before the prison break! It's awesome. And it brings to mind some thoughts from me. (oops. LOL)

Sometimes don't we all feel like we're chained to something?? Chained in a prison? I do. The chains of pity. The chains of self doubt. The chains of hurt. The chains of jealousy. The chains of unforgiveness.  I think we all have felt/feel that way sometimes. And just when we feel that the prison that holds  us is impenetrable, God will either reach down and free us Himself, or even send an angel. An angel in human form , most likely. There have been times when I have felt I was in a prison of my own doing.  where I feel like I'm almost in "solitary confinement" with no hope of escape. Thankfully, those days are not often! I am one who almost always sees the "glass half full". Thank goodness. But, there are some days when I begin to feel sorry for myself or worry about something and I get stuck deep in that prison.  I have to really look up for help at that point.  After looking at that picture, I might print that one out b/c it really is a good way to remember that God is always reaching towards us---either by God's own Hands or by His grace in sending us someone (an angel?) to spring us out of that prison we find ourselves in.

If you're feeling "locked up" just relax. God's got the key. And he might send an angel to "spring us out" . And there's nothing like a "prison break" when you feel you're incarcerated! 
Break free and run and enjoy the sunshine on your face after being in a dark prison. SONshine, that is.

#LentenJourney #paintingstellwonderfulstories #orangeisthenewblack #donotgetstuckinprison #Godisyourwarden # Hewillsetyoufree #breakfree

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