See if you can guess what my topic today is??? Yes, that's a fruit/vegetable stand in Rome! And yes, that's a CLUE......Keep reading from whence I got my inspiration today! (or at least enjoy my pictures from an Italian Fruit Market!)!
YES, I was just thinking, (yikes, that's a scary thought, haha), about the phrase "being an open book". I have said on occasion that I am. well, that's about 50 % true. But isn't that the way it is with all of us? We show parts of ourselves. We show the parts of ourselves to others to put ourselves in the best light possible. We tell others, "I did such and such". Or we think how we can add to a story someone else is saying , not maliciously, but again, to bring back ourselves in things. As a whole, humans are very selfish. It's all about ME. Or MY family. Or what we do for others. Personally, I have come to the conclusion that I should let my actions speak for themselves. Let my "fruits" (or vegetables) do the talking.....
What ? Fruits? Of course I'm talking about the fruits of the Spirit.
There are 9 of those fruits. NINE.
Love, Joy, Peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. That's a big old basket of fruit. And some of mine are rotten. Need to be thrown out and replaced, even. I read this somewhere......
"Perhaps it is time for your fruit inspection. Use the following Fruit
Development Assessment (F.D.A.) to determine the condition of your
spiritual fruit. Check the fruit you need the most nourishment to grow."
So, looking at my fruit crate this morning, I have decided that I might have a few of those fruits but sadly lacking some of the others and even some, need to be thrown out. Those NON-fruits might be: bragging, patting myself on the back and "pride fruits". UGH. Nobody would want to taste those!
Have you checked your fruit basket today? Is it time for fruit basket turnover?? I know it's time for that for me.
#Lentenjourney #fruitcheck #anappleadayisntenough #Godfruits #fruitsoftheSpirit #wishIcouldhavesomeItalianfruits2day #carrythatcross #fruitbasketturnover
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