Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 2 of the 365 project

OK, so this is a first! Blogging twice in one day and I missed about 2 whole months? WOW, this is some kind of record. Maybe I can actually do this. IF, and this is a BIG "IF"...I can figure out where my pix are going in the new Aperture program! LOL! I can't find them! So, maybe this will get published/maybe not! Oh well, IF IT DOES, here's my pix for the day. Random-ness. Kind of like me. RandomJan---but there IS a thread of continuity, see if you see it? Angels all around (even when I'm frustrated with my (INCREDIBLE) new photo program. After all, it's USER error, not computer error. May those angels watch over me as I bang my head against the wall while trying to make it work! ....Good night/sleep tight and don't let "those- bugs- that -Oprah- talked- about- that- live- in- your- pillows" BITE!


JaniceFry said...

of course, I couldn't add them last night. I must be the world's biggest computer dum-dum. I was so tired I said "forget it" last night. So here they are today. The bed bugs must have bitten me. I'm out of sorts.

Konie said...

hahahahah.....loved your angels and is that your new compputer in the pic??? NICE:)) I'm about to email you RIGHT NOW:) love you!!!! SO excited about your everyday blogs!!!

JaniceFry said...

K---you will be getting a long email back. Give me a few days. Love u