I promised I'd be back and so today is the day to start catching up on my blog/editing pictures/finish cleaning up from Christmas! BUT, first things first: MY BLOG!
....I said I have some news and, yes, I do! You probably knew that Katie/Jon were expecting from previous blogs, well, we also are having another baby coming, in MAY! Which Fry Kid is having a baby?? Patrick! Well via Kelley, that is!!! yes, Patrick and Kelley are HAVING A BABY, TOO! Their little BOY (yes, we're having 2 BOYS in 2011!), and will be born in May.
As you might remember Patrick is on deployment, (can't say where, but let's just say far away! ), and we are hoping/praying that he will get back for the birth of his baby! Kelley and Patrick haven't quite tied the knot yet, (oops), but plan to ASAP. I guess you could say, little RYDER PATRICK just couldn't wait to appear! I must say, at first, it was a shock, and while we wished they had waited to get married first, they are having the baby even though, (I think they will agree), while it was hard telling parents/siblings and grandparents, they embraced the pregnancy with joy and love. We all love these 2 kids with all our hearts and pray God will lead them and guide them during them months ahead. And so far , God has been faithful to that!! We're very proud that Kelley graduated from Samford University in mid December. She is working until around Feb . when she will move back down to Orlando to be with her family until baby Ryder is born. Patrick, hopefully, will be able to make it in time! As soon as his deployment ends, they are planning (of course, all this depends on the Navy!) to move to San Diego. The saddest part for me is that they will be far away! :( But, thank goodness for SKYPE and phone calls and pictures!!!!! SO, little RYDER PATRICK will be here when his first cousin, TERRY CARTER is a few weeks old!!!! Two baby boys! YAY!
Speaking of Baby CARTER, Katie continues to do well and she had a nice visit in the 'Ham with us during the holidays. SHe and Jon are heading back to Madison right this minute! We enjoyed having them here (with Mr. Wiggles, too!!) but know she is anxious to get all her Christmas gifts of baby clothes home and hang them in the nursery! What fun having a first baby!! She is FINALLY over morning sickness and is feeling (and looking) great. She is so excited she is having a baby boy and now thrilled Carter will have a first cousin to play with just his age!!!
We were with all our kids on Christmas and took our annual visit to see Mimi on Christmas Eve as well. Every year when I leave I cry because I think it might be the last but every year God is faithful and I get to hug my mother and say "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" each year! What a blessing to have her for 96 years, still cute and as sassy as ever!!!! ...On Christmas Day we started off with Charles, Rachel, Powell and Blakely. On the way to their house, it began to SNOW! First time ever snow on Christmas here! Didn't stick (thank goodness!) but beautiful while it came down. Magical!!! After we enjoyed spending some time with them, it was off to Nat/Brad's. We enjoyed seeing the kids and opening gifts and soon Michael/Kadie/Lily came over there. FUN FUN!!!! (Jon/Katie had done their Christmas earlier in the week with his family so we had them too!). It was a beautiful day! Lots of great gifts but my favorite was my diamond cross Terry gave me and his favorite was the new Apple (which I am on right now, Thanks Big T ! LOL)! Of course, not having Patrick here, especially now with Kelley pregnant, was tough. We talked to him on Christmas Morning and again on his birthday (Dec. 30). He sounded great but I can tell he is homesick and ready to see Kelley and start their lives together. Hopefully, it won't be long....
Soooo! That is our news! Big news! TWO BABIES! Please pray for the health of the little mommies and the babies coming in the Spring. Also, please continue prayers for Patrick as he is struggling being away during his deployment. We feel so blessed and are thankful for our family and look forward and anticipate we will be busy and BLESSED this new year. Blessed with 2 new baby boys to go along with our other 5 beautiful grands! *BTW, this will make the boys go up: 3 girls and 4 boys! :)
The pictures are from the holidays thro Christmas Eve. I'll add Christmas Day in the next few days! Also included are pix of Kelley's graduation lunch her parents had for her (and her sister, Katie, who also graduated from Samford) . Her whole family came up from Orlando. It was a beautiful time to meet and greet her incredible family! It will be a blessing for Patrick to be a part of this beautiful family soon!
So......check out our holiday pix ! WHEW! And this isn't a tenth of them! LOL
In closing,TO YOU , the reader, I pray God's richest blessings on you and your family. A fresh beginning from Him to us all! Thank you for visiting with our family via the blog! Please come and visit often, I plan on doing better in 2011 on my blogging! NOW, From His Word to all of us , especially if you feel a bit bound to the past, embrace this new year and feast on His Word:
"Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth....
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert". Isaiah 43:19
WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! First of all...I CAN'T believe you are BACK!!!!! I check several times EVERY DAY~!!!!! Looks like you had an amazing Christmas. Was dying to know what your news was....my first thought was that YOU were pregnant!!!hehehehe Congratulations to Patrick and Kelley:)) Can't believe that he and Katie are having their babies just months a part! Your kids tend to do that!!!!! And your mother....I need to know her skin care secret?????!!! REALLY DO!!!!! Well, I'm excited about this new year. I have had one busy 2010!!! All good...but so ready for this new year:)) Ken also thinks I need to start a blog....will let you know if I do:) I still don't do facebook so I'm glad you are going to blog more:)))) love and miss you!
Konie, I have been wanting (DYING)to tell you but knew how busy you have been!!!!! We need to catch up!!!! So sorry to miss ANOTHER Bryant wedding, but that was the day of Kelley's graduation, etc. and her family was here....PLEASE PLEASE start a blog! You can do it! Then I can write on YOUR wall! hahahaha...Love and miss you MORE!!!!!
P.S. you want to know Mimi's secret? Uses soap and JERGEN'S LOTION! LOLOLOLOL!
ok!!! I"m going to start using soap and Jergen's lotion!!!! hehehehehe!!!!! missed you at our weddings, but understand:) grandmommy and grandaddy missed you too!!!! will EMAIL you sometime today:)
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