Sunday, January 16, 2011

BFF>>> B.J.B.H.A.

Forgot to load BIG RED'S visit! Here she is! I've already written a tear jerker about our friendship so, forget me doing that again, BARBARA JO. this time, since it's LATE and b/c I'm in this kind of mood, let me just say:
OH, and to show you what a BFF I am, I didn't post the pix of you with your eyes CLOSED> See! I'm nice. I could've put it to be mean. But I am SOOOOO not mean, and soooooo the bestest sweetest friend, that I would ONLY put GOOD pix of you up! HAHAHAHAHA!

Love you Red.
(I'd rather be dead.................!) 
*For real: Proverbs 18:24

(than red on the head) so.
U da best!

*(konie, you're next! heh heh)


Konie said...

You are so so so so so so so so so so so lucky that my cell phone is DEAD. AND that I can't find my phone charger!!! BECAUSE your numbers are on it AND IF I could look them up ON my cell phone YOU'D get a PHONE CALL!!!! :)))) I love Bobbie too though...EVEN THOUGH I wasn't in your CRAZY high school world (I wasn't born yet!!!!)LOL!!!! Glad you put me along side your friendship with her:)))) Forever:))

JaniceFry said...

Konie, if you had been at BANKS HIGH JET, back in the day, yeah---you'd have been a K.A.B. (best!) and you would've been in "the group" and , yes, you would've been sitting up all night at our KAB Spend the night parties talking about boys with us, too. But, you were still in grade school then! HAHAHA!!!! That's ok, you'd have been our 'lil sis!!! YOU STILL ARE!!! *** MUAH **** BTW, Bobbie said she reads your comments. See, she's not as smart as you, she doesn't know HOW TO! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Love u, Bobbie AND Konie!