We've been busy with so much going on the past couple of months! From going to check on the boat to busy with lots going on at our church (Christ the King Anglican). Right after Ash Wednesday (or was it right before? I can't remember, lol!), we were given the great news that, after meeting 10 years at the beautiful Hodges Chapel at Samford, that we had a chance to purchase our very own church building. Many have been praying for this for a long time! While we love worshiping in such a lovely chapel, the church was growing and we needed much more space. Terry is on the Vestry and he had been telling me that things were moving along! Sure enough, God blessed us with the opportunity to purchase a beautiful church, (after the congregation voted!) ,and we are thrilled. It's the"Berney Points Baptist church" if you're familiar with it (you can see it if you're traveling towards town on I-65 from Hoover. The members from BP Baptist were older and the congregation was dwindling so that is the reason that they felt the need to sell it and find something smaller to fit their needs)It needs some work done to the Sanctuary so it will be Fall before we get to move it, but everyone is just so excited!!!
All the Frys (Hornes and Cullens) are good! We had a wonderful Easter Sunday lunch, here, after everyone got out of their respective worship services. The only one missing was Kelley, who had to work (Nurses don't get holidays!). The kids were all great and it was wild and fun and LOUD. haha
I have been busy working on Bible Journaling and hope to offer a class as soon as we get into our new church. I've watched a gazillion videos and it's really a wonderful way to do art and learn some scriptures, too! I'm pretty obsessed with it, honestly, haha! Along those same lines, I am doing a similar type journal devotional called "100 days of Bible Promises" and it's also a journal where you can use art as well as doodle or journal. It's a shame I'm not an artist because I LOVE paints/pens/watercolors, etc. but I sure can use stencils and get ideas from others to use to make my own little hobby fun for me. It's so relaxing and nothing better than to have my cup of coffee/ my pens and paints/ my Bible and start doodling!!!
I took my usual sabbatical from FaceBook on Ash Wednesday like I have for the past couple of years. This year was different for me. I didn't blog like last year, which was my intent, instead I was constantly asking God "what do You want of me?" Not sure where He was leading me and it wasn't until almost Holy Week that I realized it was my Bible Journaling! I knew that I was supposed to share my joy with it with others who like to have quiet time or study and that's when I really started watching YouTube and getting so much into it and enjoying it so much and I realized that it would be great to share what I've learned with those who love arts/crafts. So, I am looking forward to teaching!!!
On Easter, I realized I could've gotten on FaceBook if I wanted since the 40 days were over (FYI, I "gave up" Facebook for Lent). But, I really didn't have the desire to get back on, honestly. Instead, I have enjoyed posting pictures on Instagram vs. reading posts on Facebook that were inappropriate or political rants (OMG!) or just wasting time scrolling down posts of who knows what, lol. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE reading what (most) of my friends write! And seeing their pictures, etc. But, for me , personally, it was taking a big chunk of time every morning as I sat at this very computer, scrolling on Facebook. I didn't miss it one bit! So, I have decided that while I still will get on some, I plan on not getting on nearly as much as I have. and the funny thing is, I really don't have the desire to at all right now. I've become introverted in my old age! HA!
So, that's all, folks! Pretty boring stuff from GranJan10~!!! Heres' a few pix of what I've been doing since Ash Wednesday if you're one of my Facebook Friends who have sent me messages you missed the kidlets! here they are!!!!!!! *FYI, they are all out of order! OOPS, sorry!
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