Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I wonder how many times I've said that I'm "thankful"??? MANY! And I thought I meant it. But this year we are even more thankful than ever. And I truly understand what being thankful means, for the first time. Why so?.... Two weeks ago,  after only living in Atlanta for a week,  Katie went to check on Carter who was playing in his new playroom. He was being very quiet and when she walked in, she found him lying on the floor, listless or as she said in the frantic phone call to me "lifeless". She called 911 and by the time they got there he was awake but still groggy. The paramedics told them it appeared that he had had a seizure and  to take him to the ER and they did and were referred to a neurologist. Scary stuff. Last week, I went to watch Ella Kate while Katie/Jon took Carter for an EEG last Tuesday and Brain Scan on Wednesday. It was a scary time, to say the least.  side note: having 5 kids and 8 grands, none have ever had a seizure before and it was new ground. We watched him like a hawk and he seemed perfectly fine--no indication whatsoever anything had happened. Despite the scary time, Katie/Jon and I continued to "carry on"  a pretty normal routine. Katie and I even got all the ingredients/turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner. We went to the outlets by their house while Jon watched Carter and did a bit of shopping. (would you believe, in my hurry to leave for Atlanta, I left my jeans/pants and shirts on the bed at home?!?!? so, needless to say, I had to buy some new clothes!!)! We had a good time but , of course, the worry weighed heavily on our shoulders. Despite that, we carried on. The week before, Jon/Katie found a new church in Woodstock, called "Watermarke Church" under the umbrella/pastor of Andy Stanley. She raved about it and couldn't wait for me to go with them, too. So, I got to go, too while there. The worship was AMAZING.  I hate using the word "amazing" for worship, but, well, that's the only word that seems to fit. The sermon was perfect and the music was like attending a concert. It is HUGE, this church. I didn't know if I'd like going to a big church like that--would we feel a part?? would it be too big to feel connected?? Well, all that changed the minute worship began. We were all feeling this comfort from God during it that was so tangible and all encompassing. *side note:  For me, also, the worship was meaningful because the church we have been attending has been going thro some very different changes. Some good and some not so good. Another story for another day.   So,  how wonderful was it that the worship was especially comforting and amazing on so many different levels. ( Let me just say, I just wish we could go EVERY Sunday there!!!!). Anyway, let me say, GOOD CHOICE in finding that church right off the bat, kids!!!*. 
When Terry picked me up to go home last Thursday, it was hard b/c the test results weren't in yet and the worry was still there---like a big ole roadblock. We had had fun doing a bit of shopping and planning Christmas and even a WDW trip in Feb., but we still felt this burden of "what if". What IF he had something seriously wrong? But the "I'm with you" we heard from God continued to bathe us in the certainty that if we did , indeed, hear bad news, that even then, we would "Praise You in the storm". And so we did. Not gonna say I wasn't still nervous to the tips of my toes. Not going to pretend I didn't wake up at night with a pit in the depth of my tummy. But, BUT....we put our faith in God that no matter what the future would hold, we know the One who holds the future. And THAT is what got us thro. It IS possible to have peace in the storm. I know, because we did
...Then, YESTERDAY. Katie called and said words that were even sweeter to me than "it's a boy" when we found out the gender of Carter. She said, "NO tumors. NO seizures." Oh my goodness. For the 2nd time in 2 weeks my knees hit the floor. This time in TRUE thankfulness and praise. The report also said Carter might have some immature development in part of his brain which explains to us why he hasn't been talking that well. But, more good news, they sometimes outgrow this when they "catch up" and if not, "fixable" by speech therapies, etc. He will go back in 6-12 months for a follow up MRI if this hasn't improved.  Of all scenarios this was the best news! Plus it explained to us why he wasn't talking as  well . So, YES, we got our Thanksgiving/Christmas miracle!! So the question remains ? Why did he have the seizure? Sometimes a seizure happens once . Praying that is the case since no more were seen whatsoever on his EEG and MRI. Maybe God allowed it to let us know a reason why Carter isn't talking that well yet. Who knows? Maybe it's even a deeper meaning. Allowing us to stand back and look at the miracles around us that we take for granted every day. And to realize, again, how fragile and beautiful each day is with those we love. I am more aware of this than ever before. And I thank God profusely for the life of all my children/grandchildren and those I love.
So....Happy Thanksgiving.  Give THANKS. I know I am. And, yeah. I mean it this time.

*here's a few pix from my week last week in Atlanta with the Cullens. Yeah, the little ELF is Carter. Wow, sure am glad Santa chose him to help him bring us more Christmas joy this year!First pix are of Carter's Pappy and Nana (thanks to them for letting me bum a ride with them to Atlanta), and some with Carter's new BFF: Claire, and some of when we were trying to keep Carter AWAKE for most of the night (he could only sleep 5 hours) and finally , with Santa. Whom Carter adored.). So, yeah. There's a lot of pictures of Carter on here.(and so what if he wants to wear his Halloween shirt? That baby can wear it on Christmas if he wants to! LOL!)! Oh and the sweet nurses gave him the cute bear after his MRI!!!!.. Yes, got overload of pix but I'm happy to share them AND our great Thanksgiving Miracle!

1 comment:

Catching up with the Cullens said...

I am still thanking God for our PERFECT news. There is nothing scarier than the unknown and not sure what was going on with my angel boy. Thank you for dropping what you were doing to come to my rescue. We couldn't have made it last week without you.