Friday, November 29, 2013

Super Duper Thanksgiving Day!

Yesterday America ate turkey! Yes indeed! And add us to the millions who chomped down on turkey/dressing/sweet potato casserole/hash brown casserole/green beans/salad/deviled eggs/biscuits and I'm sure I forgot something! Desserts included pecan pie/Pumpkin cake/chocolate pie! YUMMMMM....this year it was at Natalie and Brad's house --in Ross Bridge. It was just the Hornes and Michael, Kadie and Lily for lunch and then, Charles/Rachel, Powell and Blakely came too. We had fun like we always do, just like families all over America! what a fun day to just splurge and eat!!! And eat we did! We missed Kelley, Patrick and Ryder in San Diego and Jon, Katie, carter and Ella Kate but we will see The Small Frys next week!!! And the Cullen Crew is coming the week before Christmas!!! So, excited to be with our family during these holidays!!!!....*BUT, I'm STILL not putting up a tree, Katie! HAHAHAHA* (#tooMuchTrouble #Can'tDealWithNeedlesOnTheFloor #TakingABreakThisYear #IAmScrooge)

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