Finally getting back to my blog! It's been a fast and furious summer --haven't even had time to blog since our trip to Cashiers, N.C. with C/R/P/B! I'll try to catch up over the next few days!...Big Day was Sat. July 21. I had 14 (including me!) for a BANKS HIGH Girlfriend reunion over here for a "GIRLS DAY OUT"! We had lunch and we chatted like magpies for several hours! What a great day it was!!! We were "we are great, we are fine, we are seniors '69!"! Yes, we are! We still look like the hot chicks from back in the day! HAHA!...Had SOOOO much fun! I thought it was interesting that some of the girls had re-connected on FaceBook so that was great and they came. THREE came from out of town! One from Daytona (flew in just for this!), one from Baltimore, MD and one from Orange Beach. It meant the world to me they wanted to come and made arrangements to do so. Becky, from Daytona Beach, her sweet daughter insisted she come when she found the invitation by her computer. Becky wanted to come but her husband is fighting cancer and had just started chemo treatments. Lauren insisted Becky come and even made the arrangements and told her, "here's your plane tickets, now GO". That was one of the highlights for me! Then, there were a few that were invited, in the 'Ham, that I never heard from. So Strange! But 95% responded with excitement and came! It was WONDERFUL! I can't say enough about how much fun it was and how exciting to see we are all THE SAME as we were. Some have had some tragedies/some have had some great joys/some have suffered in different ways and all said they were blessed. We filled out a questionnaire and told what we had been doing for the past 40 plus years! Strangely enough, (or not!),most of us didn't talk that much about the PRESENT. We talked about the PAST! And we all had funny stories that some remembered,(and some did NOT!). Seeing as I have the BEST memory, I remembered most. BAHAHAHA! Some of us, (Sandra, Frances, Susie, me) go all the way back to first grade and Fran and I even further. Pre-K! So, yes, we have lots to laugh about. It was a GREAT day! I made folders to put the answered questionnaires in and I'm still getting around to sending out pix. I didn't make many pictures (WHO, ME?!) because I really didn't want to spoil the moment! Natalie came over and was sweet enough to make pix of all of us outside. A few others made them, too. Here are the ones I made. See if you know any of these HOT BANKS HIGH SCHOOL CHICKS!...Frances, Bobbie, Sandra, Debbie, Susie, Susan, Patsy, Becky, Cathy, Alice , Mary: thank you for coming! I love you all so much and our friendships seem to only get stronger with time. How funny that we can pick up a conversation from 40 years ago and run with it! Love you, girls!!!!!
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