Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bird Wars!

For a few years now, Big T has really been into bird watching! We have had numerous bird feeders over the years. We had some "chipmunk" issues (them running up the pole to eat all the feed!) so he bought this triangular thing to put on the pole (if you have a bird feeder you know what I'm talking about!)---no issues with squirrels (we don't have many), more with other pesky critters---like the munks and the coons. SOOO, that took care of THAT problem. For awhile. Then, suddenly, this Spring came the PIGEONS. OMG, these HUGE pigeons that shake the feeder and then about 30 of them eat all the birdseed. Frustrating! So, yesterday, we went to Lowe's and got a NEW birdfeeder (# how many?) but maybe this will do the trick. It has this mechanism that keeps too much weight from eating the seeds. This morning we laughed as we watched the pigeons trying to get some! NO WAY. I almost felt sorry for them b/c they would crook their heads as if to say, "HUH? What's up with THIS?" So, as usual, they lined up on our neighbors roof right above our feeder. And stared. And stared! Then, as the smaller birds ate, they would fly to the ground and eat the leftovers. So, guess they got their morning due, too. Funny story. Every morning Terry asks Chi Chi, "Want to go with me to feed the birds?" and he RUNS like crazy and barks and shoos away the pigeons. He thinks he's a big dog! HAHA! The sound those wings make when they fly off is unreal! Like a jet plane!...Posting pix of old feeders/of pigeons on roof and the last set our new birdfeeder. Check out the birds behind on the roof. STARING. HA! (they got out of order--bottom ones are old feeder! LOL)

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