Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"There's no place like home....!"

I didn't know it at the time, I took this place of SANCTUARY for granted, but it was the framework of my faith today. How many times have I walked thro those doors? How many times have I knelt at that altar? How many people have I met there who helped mold and teach me godly things? How many times did God whisper to my heart there (sometimes I listened, sometimes I did not!)? How much do I love this brick house of worship? With all my heart.... Daisy and I went for a visit a couple of Sundays ago. The minute I turned down the street all those feelings overtook me so much that it took my breath away. There are no words to describe my thankfulness to those who have been the "saints" in my life there--so many have passed on to heaven and yet there are still those there who continue what God has put into the hearts of those who serve in this holy place. Thank you, East Lake United Methodist Church for being the stable and constant place where I could always find God , even when I didn't realize it. Prevenient Grace exemplified.

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