Today I'm asking for prayers for a special lady. Her name is Jean. She was my next door neighbor growing up---she is 10 years old than I am, so of course, she was friends with Judy but she was like another big sister to me! I have loved Jean from the first time I met her (which I can't even remember when that was b/c I was a tot). So much about Jean! She was a beautiful girl--talented and smart. When I say talented, I mean it! She was an ARTIST. A bona fide one! Not one who used Pinterest like things---(copying others) but could paint and draw like you wouldn't believe. She was the one I got my inspiration from making scrapbooks from!!!! She used to make them when she was in high school and I was amazed (and jealous!). This was back WAAAAAAY back before any thought of "scrapbooking" craze began!!!! ...She won a painting contest of a boy and a wagon and to this day she laughs b/c (remember, I was little!) I asked her, "Was this one of those "dot to dot paintings?" HAHA! NO! It wasn't! Long story short---Jean grew up, married and had 3 boys. She got divorced and moved back home from California. I still have some letters she wrote me way back then!! She got a job and life went on. In her early 50's , Jean suffered a significant stroke. One whole side was affected. It was devastating to everyone who knew her, but not Jean! With her wit and fun spirit (did I mention she has an incredible WIT???), she was still making light of her (new) disability and at the same time, still taking care of her widowed mother (a double amputee) and her sister, Bobra (special needs sister--I always called our "angel"). How she did it remains a mystery! I oftentimes would go visit, even after my parents moved to a smaller home. I would laugh and laugh and we would still make scrapbook stuff together---Jean with one good arm---but not even her RIGHT HAND--and she was right handed!!!). Great fun memories. Then, Bobra died (angel) and Mrs. Bodine. Jean had to move and moved to a community geared to those with disability. Long story short---she fell out of her wheelchair--leg got infected and she had to have her good leg amputated. Yeah. Hard to imagine how she would get around then. It was hard---bladder infections, etc. kept her going back/forth to the doctor. Fast forward to now. She is in the hospital and not sure where she will be going from there. Can't go back to her old place----like Mimi (well , NOT like Mimi obviously---Mimi (97) Jean (71)) but like Mimi in the fact that she wants to go home but can't right now. WHerever home that is. SO, she needs some mighty prayers. Jean has suffered/struggled so much and needs a break. She continues her deep faith in God but she is tired. Physically and Mentally. I visited with her yesterday for a little while. She stays connected to her friends b/c they LOVE her and love to be with her, but she is getting a little tired. PLEASE pray for Jean. Pray that God will put her in a place where she will meet new friends, not old folks my mother's age!) but people who she can make laugh/share with and have new friends. Please, add her to your prayer lists and your personal prayer list. Our family loves her and she loves us. And, today, as you run around in your car with 2 good legs and not hampered in any way by physical disabilities say THANK YOU for your health and then PLEASE ask God to continue to bless this precious one who is hampered by physical problems. I am blessed to have her in my life and want her to stay in it!
P.S. Jean taught me about the "birds and the bees". If you know Jean, I can hear you LAUGHING. yeah, I am still trying to figure out that and obviously haven't since I have 5 kids.*Jean, you left out some key parts.
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