I first went to Camp Sumatanga for my first camp experience, (well, actually, my 2nd---Camp COLEMAN was my first , and horrible!, experience--a Girl Scout camp HAHA), but Camp Sumatanga is a Methodist Camp and I have been , oh, about a million times since that first time. I can't even begin to explain how much that place means to me and my family! All our kids have gone countless times as well as Family Camp week-ends with East Lake UMC as well. SOOOO many incredible memories from THE most incredible camp in the WORLD! The minute you drive down the camp road, your heart just starts beating a little faster as you smell the fresh air/see the woods/go down the gravel roads/see the welcoming signs and look up to see the Cross high on the mountain. I feel the same way every single time I go. Last week-end was no exception. Three things I love more than anything else---Camp Sumatanga and Scrapbooking and Prayer!!!! AND I GOT ALL THREE!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who have never been, I can't describe the place. BUT, I can tell you it's amazing. For scrapbookers, it also was a dream week-end. Big long tables and Cricut machines and SNACKS! HAHA! But, the BEST PART was meeting new friends and, by the end of the week-end, getting to pray FOR and WITH them!!! AMAZING. We had a great leader---Chrystal Smith , who is in charge of Programs at the Camp now. She's awesome!!!!! I just fell in love with her. She knew my girls, but I had never really met her before.She is just a ray of sunshine. SONshine! And she brought in Pastor Judy Shepherd, who lead us in meditations and prayers. She is ALSO amazing and God just fixed it where Katie and I got to eat a meal across from her in the dining room. I just love it when God does cool things like that for me. We "clicked". Love her!!!! She was a great leader---led us in a couple of "Guided meditations"--really awesome. It was just what I needed. Time to be with God/with new friends/with one of my children/to scrapbook/to pray.
On Saturday morning I took my Bible and went on very familiar trek in the woods all by myself. The familiar paths/the scents that bring back so many memories for me and the feeling of peace I have the minute I walk down the wooded paths. I was all alone. Well, not really, God was with me. I wanted to start sobbing. For it was THERE, right THERE, I had my first REAL encounter with Christ back so many years ago as a youth. I can see myself now---awkward teen, trying to impress the boys and fussing b/c I had to walk to a spot BY MYSELF and read scripture and a lesson. I remember doing it and FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER (and believe you me, I had been in church since I was about a week old!) I kind of started to "get it". I was standing by one of the very same trees I was sitting by on Saturday and I remember looking up at the sky and the beauty and knowing only GOD could create such beauty. And feeling His love just surround me. And , once again, the same feelings. I sat down on the mossy ground and listened to the brook and was STILL. (YES, it IS possible for me to be still!). I didn't want the time to end. Maybe b/c I DO have 5 kids/7 grands, but I love my QUIET TIME. ALways have. I sat there and prayed. And cried. And prayed. And listened. And soaked in the beauty of God's earthly heaven. Yeah. I think it's like heaven at Sumatanga. I had to MAKE myself get up and leave. I turned and looked one last time and listened to the quiet ripple of the little creek and took a deep breath of the fresh air and rubbed my hand one more time on the beautiful, velvety so green moss. And sat back down. HAHA! I needed to listen a few minutes longer. God spoke to me. He always does, there. I needed to chat with Him about some things and I felt like I just needed to sit back down for a few more minutes---head against the tree and relax. And breathe. And be still. Finally I got up, reluctantly and headed back to Hutto Hall. Where I was greeted, again, with joyful people , busily working on projects---happy to be sharing the same experience of fellowship. I really wanted to yell to everyone, "GO TO THE WOODS" but was afraid they would think I was nuts. Hopefully, some did make it on a little pilgrimage to the woods and chat with God like I did.
During the next group time, we did the coolest thing. We had a canvas and were asked to start doodling the minute some music started. The directions and cool thing we did was to NOT PICK UP OUR PEN OFF THE PAPER. Just continual doodling. After the music stopped we were to fill in the doodles on the next song (of course, my doodles were strange---haha--I don't think I did it exactly right, according to KATIE! HAHA). But, the creative part of my brain was racing. You see, I have this gift. It's called: "Creative Communication". I HATED that I had that gift when I first took the "gifts" survey. *(My other gifts are discernment and intercessory prayer---LOVE those gifts!). I always thought, WHAT DO I DO WITH THAT C.C. one???? Well, very clearly, I already knew. (I found out about these gifts about 15 years ago!). I'm NOT an artist, but I love to use the meager talents I have. One thing I can do is communicate, fairly decently. I can "talk to a brick wall". HAHA! So, it's hard to meet a stranger. Having said that, believe it or not, sometimes I'm SHY in big groups , AT FIRST. I am trying to TEACH MYSELF to listen more and TALK LESS (yes, for those of you who know me, it's hard as hell). But I AM LEARNING. I actually think God gets a kick out of me sometimes. I can see Him kinda laughing at some of the things I say and do. But, sometimes He gets frustrated with me because He wants me to USE the gifts I have. Sometimes I do, most times I don't. I try, I really do. But, I know God hates excuses so I will rant here about that than to Him b/c He always MAKES THE TIME for me to do what I'm supposed to. AND, He also gives me lots to think about. And do. And I've been struggling with all that. (remember my Bible Study stuff where I mentioned that a couple of months ago???)?. Anyway,
Anyway,it was awesome.
Enjoy the pix.
Love yall.
P.S. the last pix? Um, yeah, Double rainbow. I did a few "super sized" so you can feel like you've been to Camp Sumatanga, too!