Yesterday, I decided to look and see if I could find the box of Patrick's baby clothes to give to Kelley and Patrick for baby Ryder (due in May). Well, I didn't find a box. I found 3 HUGE boxes! LOL!!! I AM a pack rat but these are the days I'm glad I am quite ratty. I started pulling those precious clothes out and I must say, I had to cry a little as memories flooded back. I started washing them and ironing them and spent the whole day remembering a blonde baby boy who wore those precious clothes. THERE ARE LOTS! LOL!!! When Terry got home, he saw them all on the bed and said, "I remember him in that!" and "oh yeah, I remember that one!" WOW< if Big T can remember I say, YAY, glad I saved them. I found his homecoming outfit and the Christening Dress/bonnet that I made. READ THAT AGAIN! THat I made!!!! I know it's SHOCKING, but true!!! I took a French hand sewing class back in 1983 when I found out I was pregnant and I actually stuck with it. As a gift for his Christening, my sweet teacher, Susan Akin, made his beautiful bonnet to match. Katie wants Carter to wear it , too, so after Carter's Christening, it goes to RYDER for him to hand down to HIS babies one day! Lily wore it on her Christening Day as well. So, I was pleased to get everything out and wash and iron them all. It was pleasantly soothing to iron each piece and remember.....I also found an album with Patrick wearing those same clothes that I will give to Patrick/Kelley. All I ask is they keep them as I have so that they can be handed down as well. Some things need to be tangible. THings you can TOUCH and FEEL from the past. Pictures are WONDERFUL , without them no one could capture those moments, but to actually hold in your hands the clothes that were on the baby are the best ever. One of the best finds was Patrick's "john john sailor suit" ! YES, Sailor suit! Katie had the matching dress and I have pictures of them, my little sailors! I never would've thought Patrick would be a REAL sailor one day!
Thankfully, I saved lots of clothes for each child to have. Of course, more of Katie/Patrick's b/c they were the youngest but also because I became even more sentimental when they arrived. Here are some pictures of my sweet baby boys clothes that will soon be worn by another precious baby boy....waaaaaa!
Psalm 139:14-16
"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest part of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance,
being yet unformed.
And in You book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me.
When as yet there were none of them."
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