WHO AM I? Just a pilgrim on a journey. (But I have a Companion!) . Heading on the Road to Emmaus. This is about my faith walk. I'm a: Sweet, Steely Southern Belle (well, for the most part!). I love my Family (husband, 5 grown kids/their spouses) and all my (10) grand kidlets and my church:Church at Ross Bridge. (ONE) of my fav Bible verses: Luke 24: 13-35, describes my journey..... And my eyes were opened with "the breaking of the bread". And it happens, Every. Single. Time.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Working in the Nursery!
I came this week to help Katie organize and arrange Carter's little nursery. It didn't need much help, as she had already done most of it but I did help her just a little with sorting through his little clothes, but mostly some suggestions on where to put those things you need right at first! As you can see, the baby boy already has a closet full of clothes! For all of you who are saying, " How does she have this much in his closet already and isn't this the DAVE RAMSEY girl who lives on a budget?"---the answer is still YES to both questions, but this girl knows how to SHOP! She has bought clothes on sale (out of season sales)/at consignment sales/ online at Etsy and been given nice "hand me downs" from family and friends ! And, course, those special ones which she just couldn't resist from nearby shops--which all add up to a full closet! She is extremely lucky to have 2 sister-in-laws who monogram (who made her some adorable things for Christmas, too)! And, of course there are the grandmothers! LOL! So, yes, TERRY CARTER CULLEN already has some adorable clothes!! As far as furniture, Natalie gave her Kemp/Daisy's old baby bed and Rachel, the Moses Basket and 2 adorable baby jumperoos thingys.So, the baby boy will be entertained, too! ha ha ha....So, what I did was try and organize, a little , since having had 5 kiddos, I do remember what you need most at first. Gowns/burp pads/lots of diapers and onsies! And , most of all, to encourage her , even now, to breastfeed/take advice from well meaning friends "with a grain of salt" and listen to her own maternal instincts (which my pediatrician told me are the best indicators of all regarding your infant!) and just enjoy these last few weeks! She is 28 weeks now, in her 3rd trimester (wow, where have the first 2 gone?) and is getting a bigger tummy and NESTING more and more. She ordered her bedding and that is her gift from her sis so she won't see it until her baby shower! She knows what it looks like but won't see it until then! That is always the really fun part, putting those final touches on the nursery.About all she has left to do is decide where to hang the pictures and where she wants the rest of the furniture. Then, after her baby shower and when all is done, she can go sit in the beautiful "minky dot" chair that rocks, lean her head back and dream of the precious little angel who will be occupying the room and her heart in April! I so remember doing the very same thing when I was pregnant with Charles so many years ago. There is nothing like waiting for the arrival for your very first child. So much anticipation/joy/nervousness/fear and hope all wrapped in one tiny little blessing from God. It is right to give Him thanks and praise for that which is the unspeakable gift....the gift of love and the gift of life.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Natalie and Brad went to Biloxi, Miss. with their friends for her "birthday get-away". She got Jon/Katie to come down to babysit for them. I picked Daisy up from school and stayed there till Aunt Cutie and Uncle JonJon got there. Daisy fell asleep asking, "when will JonJon be here?" and the minute Kemp came in, same question, "When will JonJon get here?" ! they got there in the afternoon and the kids were soooo excited!!!! Then, Big T showed up with a bottle of wine to go with our Spaghetti dinner.....Saturday Jon took Kemp to the movie and Katie and I took Daisy to the Galleria.We met up with one of Katie's sweet friends, Stephanie, and Daisy was so good---she played quietly in her stroller and even ate lunch in it and never made a peep. She was sooo good we took her to Target afterwards where she could pick out a new toy! She wanted an ARIEL Barbie, so that's what she chose!!!! They were perfect little angels for their aunt and uncle....After Nat/Brad returned, J/KT came back to the house where I had everything packed for our trip to Madison for this week! YAY! I'm here now! We are supposed to have snow, not yet sure how much/when/etc. but definitely it's coming. SOOO, we are going to POSH MOMMY today b/c I want to look around in there with my pregnant girl!!!! WHO, by the way, is now 28 weeks along!....More to come...! gotta get dressed!
Have a great week, yall!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Heading to Madison Town!
I'm fixing to leave to go to Madison, Ala for a few days! I'm excited b/c Katie and I are going to work in the nursery and just enjoy getting Carter's room ready!!!! It's supposed to SNOW and I really hope it does! We mainly got ice here, not good snow, so I would like to SEE some falling ! LOL!
Katie and Jon kept the Horne Kiddos this week-end while Nat/Brad went to Biloxi, MIss. with some friends. The kids were great!!!!
More later, Jon and Katie are on the way here (from Nat's)and then we're heading North! I'll add the photos tonight b/c I just disconnected my external hard drive with the photos in it!
Come and check back on the blog this week! I'll be adding pix of the nursery/ snow (maybe!) and just hanging around in Madison!
C U LAT8-er~!
Katie and Jon kept the Horne Kiddos this week-end while Nat/Brad went to Biloxi, MIss. with some friends. The kids were great!!!!
More later, Jon and Katie are on the way here (from Nat's)and then we're heading North! I'll add the photos tonight b/c I just disconnected my external hard drive with the photos in it!
Come and check back on the blog this week! I'll be adding pix of the nursery/ snow (maybe!) and just hanging around in Madison!
C U LAT8-er~!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Double Blessing!
Today my PROJECT 365 are pictures of , not one, but TWO precious little blessings!!!!!! Since, I couldn't pick just one, for the blog, I'm loading a lot of them!!!!! These twins, Aaron and Abigail , are the grandchildren of a friend of mine from high school. We re-connected when she and her husband , moved to Hoover. We have enjoyed having lunch and meeting each other's children/grandchildren. And what a wonderful surprise when her daughter had those twins last summer! I have enjoyed having the privilege to make their pictures a few times.
What a joy to spend the morning with them today! It's hard for Stacey to take them many places yet so I was honored when she asked if they could drop by! And the reason? ! Would you believe that she made me a THREE LAYER Chocolate CAKE with peanut butter frosting??????It is absolutely DELICIOUS and what a surprise!!! FOR ME?!?!?! And, the "icing on the cake" (no pun intended!) she brought the babies (and their grandmother, KK) over for a visit, too! I put a big quilt down on the floor with some baby toys and we watched them grin and smile and roll and play and sit! Yes, they are learning to sit up! Time goes so fast! It brought tears to my eyes because they were so wanted and are so loved and so cherished. What lucky babies to have such loving parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles!!!They are truly little blessings of joy (and I feel like they are my little grandbabies too!!!!!) Truly they are SO SO SO PRECIOUS!!!!Babies. I truly feel like when I am with a baby that I have been close the the breath of God......
"Let the little children come unto Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven". Matthew 19:13
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