Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TA DA!!!!! My new blog has begun!

HEY EVERYONE! Hope you made it here with no problems! I kept trying to different blogs  such as, "Wordpress" and "Live Journal" but neither of them was a fit. So, I decided to stick with BLOGGER but change things up a bit! Like the name!!! LOL!!!! I need my "BLOG FAIRY" to come and help choose colors for me, etc. (KATIE, are you listening???) ! I am going to work on the blog later on tonight with more pix from our trip and try and catch everyone up to date on the FRYS/HORNES AND CULLENS! ....Thank you for coming and joining me on my new blog! I could have kept the old one but would have been charged $ for more space so decided to just start fresh with lots of space for pix! I still am having a few problems loading pix but I believe it is more of a maintenance problem, we'll see! If so, back to the drawing board! LOL!....I MISSED YALL! Glad you're back!!! And I hope you're glad I am! LOL! Hopefully I'll be back tonight with pix, etc.....


Catching up with the Cullens said...

Blog looks great. Wonder who did it for you?!?!?

JaniceFry said...

Gosh, that BLOG DESIGN FAIRY is really GREAT! (and fast!) LOVE IT! ;)