Thursday, April 7, 2016

quick week-end trip

Katie and Jon were here for a quick week-end trip. Actually, they came late Saturday and stayed till lunchtime on Tuesday. Not gonna lie, he went on some job interviews here, in the 'Ham. They are MORE than ready to get back here. 
A few reasons they are PAST ready to leave Atlanta:  the traffic.  AKA taking so long to go anywhere because of "the traffic". Being away from family. Being over 3 hours away. Having to bring a van full of stuff for a 2 day visit. Ready to get roots in a church (even though they go to one, ready to be more fully involved). Listening to a baby scream for half the ride home.  Missing family terribly on a day to day basis. Needing help with the kidlets. The traffic. The traffic. The traffic. Have I mentioned THE TRAFFIC? So, hoping that a  B'ham job will pan out. SOON. Katie/Jon have never lived in the 'Ham for more than a few months since they got married. Auburn for awhile/ Madison, Ala. (we didn't know we had it so lucky then---only 2 hours away)/ Atlanta. She's never been able to just "drop the kids" off for help. Or meet me at the Mall to shop . Nor has she had a baby in town. So, you might say, I'm ready to have my last "chick" closer. End of story!

Other Fry happenings. Planted our little garden as mentioned last post and as luck would have it, a strange phenomenon ---it's going to be 32 degrees Sunday Morning. WHAT?! That means our little garden will be covered up in a sheet on Saturday night to protect my veggies! We had 85 degrees for several days already, (I even got sunburned!), and's high---70? GEEZ

Next week I have JURY DUTY. UGHHHHH! I know, I know, "its my civic duty", and all that. BlahBlahBlah. But, I hate it. Like HATE it. Drive all the way there/ listen to people tell the judge why they can't stay ,(the excuses slay me) ,and all the time just sitting there waiting until I get struck . But not after spending 3 or so days there doing all the non-jury stuff. Not to mention I have to go to Bessemer.Yeah, not excited.

I'm feeling kind of let down that the whole Lenten Season/ Holy week/ Easter is over. Can you tell? LOL!  I know, I said I'm an "Easter person", and I am, but, kind of sad that the services are all over and back to routine. I'll admit it, I've been back on Facebook---cruising around---same old/same old and , once again, ask myself why I get on and waste precious time. Because I'm LAZY and should be doing other things. Not only FB but I also find myself just wasting time. I need to get back into my craft room , too!!! And,   I need a good devotional book or something to get me back on track.  Something good/uplifting/funny/inspirational. (Let me know if you know one that fits that criteria!)!  I'll admit it, I'm stuck in a "blah" mode at the moment. I'm ready for summer and all it brings with it (except 3 digit heat! lol)! I also so wish we had a beach place, it would be so great to be able to go whenever we wanted and take some of the grands, too. I am constantly on "the look out" for that opportunity to find something. I could kick myself a million times over that we sold the place in Destin we had at Seascape ! Miss being able to throw the kids in the car and go whenever I wanted but thankful for the memories of my kids spending half the summer on those snow white beaches.....! I usually pride myself on being a "cock eyed optimist" but today I am looking at the glass : half empty. Other things on my mind I am worried about that are making me sad and frustrated. But, those things, too, will pass, I know. And those things are definitely being lifted to the most holy  God in this season of my life that I am in at the present. But it seems there is always something to worry about, right?? Relationships/jobs/family/conflicts/friends/finances/disappointments/personal sadness. I know I should take my own advice (that I freely have given to others, haha)  and , while I can't hop to the beach by myself for some alone prayer time, I CAN walk by my beautiful little lake and do the same. (And so, I just talked myself into that for later today. better than cruising facebook!)!

So, that's it for now. Hopefully, the Cullens will be moving back. Hopefully, those looking for jobs will find the perfect fit. Hopefully (I've written hopefully way too much), but HOPEFULLY those that are seeking Him will find Him..... AND, Looking forward to having the grands over during the summer to run in the backyard/ pull all the toys out and eat some tomatoes out of our little garden!  And, maybe I'll be in a better mood next time I write! LOL!

#praisingGodanyway #praying4jonkatiekidstomoveback #praying4jobopportunities #praying4my5
#praying4my9 #praying4wisdomwhentalking2mykids #prayers4jobs #prayers4certainFrysIwontname

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