Thursday, August 1, 2013

Loving Lily Days

Our oldest grand "baby" is growing up! On Aug.27 she will be NINE years old! Where have the years gone??? ...I kept Lily several days a week until she started K-5. So many memories of this sweet/pretty girl! AND I have the photos to prove it! I used to lay her on a quilt (LAURA'S quilts!), and just shoot picture after picture of her. From birth until she started school. I can see her now, blowing bubbles at around 5 months/ asleep in the crib/ looking through books in the playroom/taking her, screaming, to the mall to get her picture made with Santa/watching her play with her BFF, Kemp/ going to Disney World with her/ pictures on the beach when she and Kemp were babies and the list goes on.  It was strange because she so reminds me of her daddy ,in looks and actions, but has Kadie's tenderness towards animals and babies. She is smart/sassy/beautiful/gentle/assertive and all things GIRLY. I love this little monkey and I see her growing up before my eyes. Slow down, sweetheart, I'm not ready for you to be a tween just yet!....Here are a few pictures of our SHOPPING DAY yesterday. She sure knows how to "work the (GranJan) system". LOL! Typical FRY GIRL! 

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