Saturday, April 28, 2012

San Diego Zoo, what an incredible place!

 Saturday was a busy day! First we went on the Naval Base and Patrick showed us where he worked and the plane he flies on, etc. That was super awesome!!!! BUT, of course, worry wort that I am, I worry about him STRAPPING HIMSELF in the harness since he let it slip that he flies with the DOOR off! UGH!!! I did make some pix but for security reasons I decided not to post them on the blog. Darn! They were good pix, too! HAHA...I DO have LOTS of ZOO pix to post!!!! So I will, sadly, leave behind the Navy Base Pix and fast forward to the next part of our day, the ZOO! Enjoy. These pix are really good, if I do say so myself!

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