First off, a HUGE : ROLLLLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!! What an INCREDIBLE season for the Crimson Tide of Alabama!!!! And the topping on the cake was a win over Auburn and clinching the SEC title after a win against Missouri! SOOO happy and I sooooo love my Crimson Tide!!!!!! ( best of all, we beat the AUBS!)!
It's been awhile since I've blogged and I REALLY need to catch up! Had a great Thanksgiving and now , just 2 weeks till CHRISTMAS! Love Christmas and love buying all my little grands special little gifts. It's not the gifts, it's the love BEHIND the gifts....having said that, those little gifts add up! Like, they don't all fit under my little tree! HAHA! It's ok, I love the "overflow". At least this year on Christmas night, the tree won't be empty underneath! The CULLENS will be arriving the day after Christmas! YAY!
Everyone is doing well! Carter is on his new medicine and it , so far , is working! Keep praying that this seizure medicine will keep those little "drop" seizures in check. For those who have asked, he was having many "drop" seizures a day. The average person might not even notice them, but , after his teacher became aware of them she would tell Katie how many he had had at school. A couple of weeks ago, a LOT! So, back to the Neurologist and he was given this new medicine. It's good AND bad. Bad b/c it definitely has some side effects, but good in that it appears to be working.(they are very gradually increasing the meds).There are some Side effects, meaning he will have to have liver scans fairly often to make sure they do not affect his little liver. Praying they won't. Just so thankful that the new meds seem to be working....!
Trying to think of news--well, Today is Natalie/Brad's 16th anniversary! Hard to believe!!!!!!! Had a lot of b'days lately, starting with Kemp on Nov. 12 ( #10!) and then, Powell : Dec. 4 ( # 7) and on the 10th, Daisy (#7). Blakely, our little Christmas elf, her b'day is on Dec. 20th (#5 )! They are growing up quickly!!!!!!! All are doing great. Love having Ryder back in the 'Ham, too. Just miss our little GEORGIA PEACHES (Carter/Ella Kate) but they get home fairly often and I go for visits regularly also.
Well, had a "DEATH" to write about. A DEATH of my camera! LOL!!!!!! It was sad to have it DIE right after Thanksgiving but at least I got pictures of Thanksgiving and also lots of when Katie was here with the kidlets. But, I was drowning in my sorrows and trying to figure out WHAT to do when Big T came to the rescue! Perfect timing for HIM, it made his Christmas gift to me this year SUPER EASY!!!!!! YES, indeed, I have a NEW CAMERA! He wanted me to go ahead and have it so that I could learn about it and have it for Christmas morning. I am truly beside myself with JOY!!!!!!! I told Terry that I truly use my camera EVERY SINGLE DAY. I love making pictures. But , more than the actual picture, I love the moment it captures. I am trying a new thing for the coming year with it and I'm excited about it! Not telling, I don't want copy cats. HA!!!!!!! just kidding, but it is something cool I might try and do and see what happens with it....Anyway, so thrilled over my new camera. "It's a honey" as my grand-daddy used to say! Learning how to use it is going to be quite the challenge!
Mimi is doing fine, she is now 100 years plus 4 months old. Unbelievable. I enjoy our visits and she still notices every thing I wear and all my jewelry!
Terry and I are getting younger and sassier. LOL!--we are hoping to one day in the "not so distant" future , to move to NW Fla. or Orange Beach, Ala. YES. you read that right!!!! It's always been our dream and , since we MET on the beach, I guess it is destined for us to retire there!!!!!! Fingers crossed. We have lots of "i's" to dot and "t's" to cross first. But, hopeful that we can swing it to move South!Our kids like the idea of having a "free place" to stay at the beach.I like the idea of making sunrise and sunset pix of my favorite place in the world: THE BEACH!Our kids are supportive and it's truly not that far away.Like 5 hours, max. But, again, it's not in the immediate future, but hopefully in the near future! Whatever will be, will be!
That's about it, I am going to try and do better on blogging! Probably will be adding more pix than anything else IF I can figure out how to use this new camera!!!!!! Here's a few pix of the past few Fry holidays and get togethers! ...I really like this blog more than "Weebly" (my other one) so, after Christmas, I'll get Katie to "fix"it for me. For now, it's a "GranJan Special" look. (in other words, not too great!)...Later,friends! MERRY CHRISTmas!
P.S. Sorry, but the pictures are ALL out of Order! too lazy to fix and.... that's all folks!!!! lol