On July 4th, Katie and Jon found out they were expecting their 2nd child. Soon after, she came home and told us the news by giving me the adorable shirt (shown below)!We were all thrilled to start the journey of pregnancy with Katie, Jon and Carter! After several (very) sick months, Katie finally started feeling better!She waited a bit to tell "the FaceBook World"--and did so in the cutest way! At Walt Disney World! Too bad Carter wouldn't co-operate that well!!! See me at Cinderella's Fountain?? I'm wishing for....well, it was a secret! lol
Soon it was time to decide, would they find out the sex of the baby at the ultrasound?? For a few days they thought about waiting till "Delivery Day"to find out! let me re-phrase that, KATIE, thought about it! HAHA!! But, we all convinced her to go ahed and find out and we'd have a fun REVEAL PARTY. (any excuse for a family party !). Sweet Michael/Kadie once again volunteered to have the party at their new (beautiful!) house. But, first, they had to do the ultrasound. SOME people wait and find out with everyone else at their Reveal Party. But, Katie/Jon couldn't wait.(and I didn't blame them!). What a thrill they asked me to go find out with them!!!!! I was HOLDING MY BREATH, praying for a healthy baby first and foremost, but also I had a secret wish for Katie just as I had had for Natalie/Rachel and Kadie (and hopefully, Kelley, too, one day!). I truly so prayed that they would have a little daughter(s) one day, just like I had. I LOVE and ADORE MY BOYS, don't get me wrong! In fact, I choose BOYS over GIRLS most times (haha!), BUT, when those little prissy girls grow up, there is nothing more special than the mother/daughter bond. I have it with my mother and I have it with my girls. So, had we heard "it's a BOY", I would've been thrilled to death, but when I heard "it's a GIRL", I cried. with joy and thankfulness to God for the continuing that mother/daughter/grandmother bond that is so unique and special. (the old wives tale:"A son is a son till he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life"). So, we were thrilled to hear those "it's a girl" words.(* Now ,if , for some reason, those ultrasounds are WRONG and HIDING something I will be THRILLED for another boy, too! HAHAHA)....anyway, Terry and I are so blessed to be having Grandbaby number 8 and get this! FOUR BOYS AND FOUR GIRLS! How special and wonderful is THAT???! ....Now I am packing to head to Madison tomorrow to help Katie finish things up before Gabriella Kate, (such a beautiful name!) and will be called:Ella Kate (except Big T who says he will call her Gabriella , haha), arrives and to be able to watch, yet another miracle take place in our family. I am praying for a healthy labor and delivery and another precious baby to love on and adore. Next post I will be posting about our baby girl!!!!!!

"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You . When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the Days fashioned for me"...... Psalm 139:13-16