Saturday, May 28, 2011

getting ready to go home

After spending almost a week with Katie in Madison, it's time to pack up and go home. I'm waiting to hear from Big T after his golf game and then I will be heading back  to the 'Ham---to see him/Chi Chi/the Hornes/and Fry babies! Of course, I am sad about leaving, and already Katie has shed a few tears. But, she is doing GREAT and Carter is, too!!!! Carter is now on a GREAT schedule! He nurses just once a night and has a long morning nap and long afternoon naps (and short itty bitty naps in between)! He is doing AWESOME!!!......Here's a few pix of my week here with Carter/Katie and JonJon!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What a crazy 5 weeks!

HELLO! It's definitely been a crazy few weeks! First , to have 2 brand new baby boys! We are loving having #6 and #7 arrive so close together! The baby boys are doing great and already growing!!!

The past week has been rough, however!!!! katie called me , literally screaming, with a horrible pain in her tummy. Of course, I am in Birmingham and she is in Madison, a couple of hours North. I almost panicked telling her to calm down but she was on the floor rolling in pain. The baby was on her bed and Jon didn't answer his phone. A mother's nightmare. I finally got her to calm down enough to keep trying Jon. He was in a huge meeting but she texted him "911" their code for emergency. He got home in less than 10 minutes! She got her doctor and after what seemed an eternity they got to his office. Immediately he said he could tell she had gall bladder issues. They scheduled her for an ultrasound . Terry brought me to Madison and after the test, (she was feeling much better ) we decided to await the results in Birmingham. The next day they called and the surgeon wanted to see her. Terry took her back to Madison and they met Jon at the doctor's office. YES< she had a bad gall bladder that needed to come out ASAP. Sooo, it was schduled for this past Monday. But, we had to get to Monday first! In a nutshell, she had a terrible week-end. 3 horrible gall bladder attacks! But, we made it thro as hard as it was. Yesterday, the gall bladder was sent to the GALL BLADDER GRAVEYARD!!! After we got home, she was lying on the bed crying. I asked her if she was ok and she said, "I feel so much better, I am just crying with relief and thankfulness". God love her!!!!! She was finally feeling relief!!!!!!!! Now all she has to deal with is soreness and not being able to lift the baby for a few days so GranJan is HERE! helping with the small tasks....My heart is overflowing with thankfulness to surgeons and nurses who contribute to miracles every day. Katie has a miracle and I will be forever thankful. Also thankful to my sister/brother-in-law for texting me when I was so worried and giving me advice about Katie. (it's the best having a doctor in the family!). When ROBBIE was worried, I almost had a panic attack. If she hadn't gotten better late Saturday afternoon, we would've gone to the emergency room in B'ham!But, she made it thro. Medicine and prayers! Prayers from family and friends mean more than any medicines even! I BELIEVE GOD HEARS AND RESPONDS TO URGENT PRAYERS! And those were urgent!Also , a big thanks to Jon's mom, Charlene, for coming sooooe early yesterday morning so that I could go to the hospital with Jon and Katie. "G"got to have some special cuddle time with her grandson!

Another sad day, Kelley and Ryder are gone to Orlando!!! On Saturday, when Katie was having the worst attack, Kelley/Ryder (along with her parents and brother) were loading Kelley up and moving her back to Orlando. Thankfully, Katie's pain eased enough that we were able to go and see them. It was THE hardests good-bye I've ever had. Even worse than when Patrick goes back. I couldn't stop sobbing and even now, writing about it, makes me cry. I HATE GOOD-BYES. And how I miss that baby boy. And Kelley ! I love that sweet girl and miss her texting me and dropping over for dinner or meeting her out for lunch. Lily has had a hard time with her leaving and both of us sobbed after they drove off.  Having been here with Katie has helped keep my mind off them leaving but when I get home, it will be a sad reminder that both my baby grandsons live away from me. SOOO, I make every moment count! I'm rocking and spoiling Carter and loving the sweet smell of him! I found one of Ryder's tiny onesies and I hold on to it like a security blanket! I miss him so........

Sorry this is a "downer" blog entry but I said I'd be real. I love to laugh/I love to try and be witty! But I also am a BIG OLE CRY BABY and some days? Well, I have to wear waders b/c  I am wading in my own pool of tears. Thankfully, God sends me those rainbows for days like these......

Jon's mom: "G"

sucking his thumb!

 Saying good-bye before we went to the hospital


P.S. these pix are from here, in Madison. I don't have my other files here b/c they are on my Mac at home. So these are some I have made from our time here while helping Katie out. I'll post more when I return! (and hopefull, catch up on my blogging!)!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


How thrilled we are to add another blue bow to our family tree! We are thrilled and so excited to announce the birth of: RYDER PATRICK FRY! He was 8 lbs. 2 oz. and came with a head FULL of black hair! Shocking for 2 blondies!! (however, Kelley's mom said she was born with dark hair and it fell out and in came blonde!)!. He's beautiful and healthy! I am writing a week later b/c Kelley AND Ryder spent a week in the hospital. She had pre-eclampsia and he had some , not too serious, breathing problems so he spent the week in the NICU. They did a C-section and he was born Monday, May 2nd in the late afternoon.Did Patrick arrive in time? No, sadly, BUT, was here by 11:30 that night! So, Ryder was only a few hours old when his daddy got there, thankfully!!! Terry and I picked him up from the airport and took him straight to the hospital. He was thrilled to see Kelley and couldn't WAIT to take the elevator to the NICU to meet his new son!!!! I'll never forget the look on Patrick's face as he gazed into the face of his newborn son. Nothing is sweeter in this world than watching your children become parents! Terry and I are proud to say we have seen all our children now become parents. ANd what a joy it has been watching each one of them parent and love on their babies!

I am so excited that they are coming here for a few days. Hopefully, I can help them out a bit and let Kelley rest. She has had a hard time with swelling and B/P issues so we are hoping that all of that will soon go away so she can enjoy her new baby and having her husband home for a few more days. She says she feels good, but I know how it feels to have a C-section (I had one--ugh!) and I know she needs to rest. Plus, I get to see Patrick, too! I can love on all three of them for a few days!!!! They are so excited and so precious with him!!!! I'm so happy for them and for Jon/Katie having these precious baby boys. While I love boys AND girls, I must be honest (didn't I say I'd be honest? LOL!) and say baby boys hold my heartstrings!! YES, I love GIRLS, but hey, it's ok to have a preference, right? And I've always LOVED BOYS. I do have 3 of them, too!!!! OK OK, so I love ruffles and bows and tutu's, but give me a box of dinosaurs ; Thomas the Train; baseball; dirty boy   kisses and pockets full of bugs! I love it! LOL!!!!! And until one of those little  (BOY) critters come into your life, you just can't imagine how much love there is. I call  Carter "my little monkey" and Ryder "my little possum": my little critters!!!
Yes, and it makes me cry when I hold them/smell their breath/brush their hair/cuddle them and love on them.  Yes, I'm obnoxious about them--- I just am in LOVE with the newest members of our family!!!!!!! 

Heading to have Ryder!

We love you, Kelley!

Waiting in the waiting room for Carter's cousin to arrive!

Aunt Rachel and Aunt Kadie came to "wait", too!

Uncle Michael and Lily holding Carter

Patrick getting his arm band!

Fixing to meet his SON!

I don't think this even needs a caption!

OUR NUMBER 7 Grand-baby!

Ryder spent a week in the NICU


Uncle PatPat with Carter!

GranJan's little POSSUM

what is cuter than a baby tush?


Patrick says he is taking him to the barber shop! NOT!

Big T and Carter!

Carter is ALWAYS hungry! LOL


beautiful boy

mommy juice !

Angelina Jolie lips!