I Know I have been gone for quite awhile, but one of my resolutions for 2011 is to be more diligent in my blogging! for those who have asked, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" , well, I can't say "busy" b/c then I would negate my previous blog a month ago! HA! But, well, I've been,well, preocuppied! ....Lots going on, let me say that!!! More on that later! This morning, I'll just give a quick blog with no pix but just a little hello and few tidbits. Christmas was UNREAL--awesome! Terry and I both agreed the kids did WAAAY too much!! Wonderful gifts/thoughtful gifts! And Terry gave me a shocker--a beautiful diamond cross necklace. It is so beautiful and what I've always wanted! What a surprise to go through that huge stocking filled to the BRIM with all kinds of wonderful things and , just like a fairy tale, I pulled a beautiful wrapped box out of the toe! I squealed when I saw "Brombergs" wrapping paper, let me say that!!! ha! My most exciting gift I GAVE would have to be Terry's. I gave Terry a desk top iMac for Christmas!!! I scrimped and saved and ---per Dave Ramsey (author of "Financial Peace" ) -and Katie and Jon (who took his class at their church) passed on to ME great ideas on how to save money by putting cash in envelopes--to keep from getting in debt by charging it (and paying twice as much for it in the end!). Anyway, long story short (I did say I was going to do a SHORT blog???), anyway, I had enough to purchase him a gift with my own money for a change! HAHA! I sold some scrapbooks/notecards, ,etc on Etsy which helped AND the kids gave me APPLE gift cards all through the year towards it. Nothing felt better than going into that APPLE STORE and paying , in cash, for it. It was awesome. For Christmas, Natalie/Brad gave me a program for the new computer for PICTURES. I am thrilled but nervous about figuring out how to do it! SOOOO, I'm going to take a class and also go to Natalie's precious neighbor, Amanda, who is a photographer to give me a quick run through on it one day, too. So, maybe I will be putting up better pix, too! Thank goodness for Jon who set it all up and has it all running perfectly. It's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be to go from PC to Mac. BUT, I still love my laptop and actually am on it now! SOOO, I will do BOTH more than likely! Our VERY FIRST computer, back in the day, was an APPLE. I had forgotten till Michael reminded me. The debate goes on: PC or Apple? Well, I am both--I like them both but guess Terry will become a true "APPLEHEAD"! LOL............I have lots of pictures to post of Christmas and hopefully, when we get our better internet service (Jon also said we HAVE to have faster service!) I can load pix faster and with my new Aperture program, have clearer and better pictures as well!....So, come back and visit Jan.1 ! I have some news and need to show you how much our beautiful grand-babies are growing as well!
Merry CHRISTmas!
P.S. We have some great news in 2011 but I defer writing about all our news until January 1, 2011 ! Great goings on! Come back to see!

WHO AM I? Just a pilgrim on a journey. (But I have a Companion!) . Heading on the Road to Emmaus. This is about my faith walk. I'm a: Sweet, Steely Southern Belle (well, for the most part!). I love my Family (husband, 5 grown kids/their spouses) and all my (10) grand kidlets and my church:Church at Ross Bridge. (ONE) of my fav Bible verses: Luke 24: 13-35, describes my journey..... And my eyes were opened with "the breaking of the bread". And it happens, Every. Single. Time.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Coming soon!
News coming soon!!! Sorry I have been away---I WILL NOT SAY I HAVE BEEN TOO BUSY (darn if I didn't write that last post!)! LOL!!!! I will be back. Just give me a few more days! I DO have some more Fry News! (that'll bring ya back, right?! LOL!!!!)!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I'm just TOO busy...!!!!????
Wow, it's been awhile!!! After having several folks ask me, "WHERE ARE YOU?" I decided , before I did one more thing, today, to blog a bit! Life, per usual, in the Fry house is always busy and these last few weeks, no acception! No excuse , you say? LOL!!! True! PRIORITIES! In fact, I am SICK of the word BUSY! I use it waaaay too often! So, I'm going to try and not write that word for awhile!
Speaking of priorities, I heard a talk about that a couple of weeks ago!!!! I was at an Emmaus week-end (ask me, I'll tell you all about it!) and that was one of the talks I heard.I've heard that talk before, but I REALLY needed to hear it again! Like: ""What do I spend the most time thinking about?? and..."What do I spend most of my money on"? and "Where do I spend the most time"? One thing I gleaned from the week-end was this sentence: "A life without priorities can lead to an unhappy life". Maybe I just thought I had my priorities together!! I am MISSBUSY! But, hey! Aren't we ALL????? Whether you have 5 kids/5 grands like I do , or maybe just 1 kid and no grands or 19 kids (Duggers! LOL!): whatever you have, people still tend to lean on the side of , "I'm just too busy... (to do this and that)! " I could bore you to tears talking about grandkids birthday parties/events/retreats, etc etc. I know, I've been there. STILL there. I think I realized I'm TOO BUSY except when it's something to do with ME or my family. Then, I can do it. The talk about Priority came at a good time for me. Trying to "get it all together" for the holidays---get all those gifts, do all the cooking, do everything for every kid/friend. Yeah, I want to do it all, but first of all I needed to ask myself those questions and that is what I've been trying to do! Less FaceBook/more time with God in the early morning instead would be one area for me! the LAZY Jan that only wants to see what everyone else is doing (on FaceBook) when I need to see WHERE I'm going (in the Bible)vs. WHERE am I going ( Ex:shopping, lol) today!!!! I need more "ME" time but not in the selfish way. I need more ME time with GOD time! Then, my priorities will shift in the right direction! I find it ironic that when I spend more time trying to do everything I want to do in a day I usually fall short (and tired)! BUT, if I find time to seek God first, He just makes t he time CHANGE! Call it hokey, but I believe He does. I mean, He created the world and TIME, did He not?? I can see Him HOLDING THE CLOCK for me sometimes, when I put Him first,He makes time for me to get it all done. All He wants is some time with me(and YOU!).OK, let me say, I'm not totally there yet! I've already fallen short!!! But let me tell you who one of my teachers is! BIG T! Yeah! He gets up EVERY SINGLE MORNING early and that man reads the Bible and prays for us. I get up and check email and FaceBook! HAHA! (Hey, I'm trying to change!)! Anyway, that was my "sermon" for November. AND I'M PREACHING TO THE CHOIR! yep! Sure am! .......I have lots to write on, I promise to do so! Soon!!! Just trying to PRIORITIZE! Get it? lol!
Here's a few pix and a few thrown in of Camp Chula Vista where I went on the Emmaus Week-end. what a great week-end of contemplation and grace. I needed both....(De Colores) I hope you gleaned something in my blog today b/c EVERYONE OF US needs that time to prioritize and spend more time with God. NOT just on SUnday mornings, either. Are YOU too busy? Do you find yourself running on a treadmill vs. running towards God? I know so often I do. I am not going to use the excuse, "I'mTOO BUSY anymore!I am finding God will give me all the time I need to do all that HE, not me, chooses me to do! I am tired of spinning with no action. I want to stay BUSY with Him. Now that's a busy I think He will like! (De Colores <>< )
P.S. I'll be back sooner! i'm not so BUSY now...LOL
Speaking of priorities, I heard a talk about that a couple of weeks ago!!!! I was at an Emmaus week-end (ask me, I'll tell you all about it!) and that was one of the talks I heard.I've heard that talk before, but I REALLY needed to hear it again! Like: ""What do I spend the most time thinking about?? and..."What do I spend most of my money on"? and "Where do I spend the most time"? One thing I gleaned from the week-end was this sentence: "A life without priorities can lead to an unhappy life". Maybe I just thought I had my priorities together!! I am MISS
Here's a few pix and a few thrown in of Camp Chula Vista where I went on the Emmaus Week-end. what a great week-end of contemplation and grace. I needed both....(De Colores) I hope you gleaned something in my blog today b/c EVERYONE OF US needs that time to prioritize and spend more time with God. NOT just on SUnday mornings, either. Are YOU too busy? Do you find yourself running on a treadmill vs. running towards God? I know so often I do. I am not going to use the excuse, "I'm
P.S. I'll be back sooner! i'm not so BUSY now...LOL
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I'm still here! LOL!
I've had a few emails wondering when I'm going to blog again! SORRY, guys, been soooooo busy---! I WILL catch up in the next few days!!!!!!! Lots going on and will get back ASAP!!!! Babysitting, Emmaus week-end, Kemp's b'day etc etc! I have Blakely right now (C/R in NYC) but as soon as possible, I'll be back! (with PICTURES! LOL)! ...BTW, THANKS FOR CHECKING ON ME! :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Animal Kingdom>>>>ROCKS!
This was my first visit to ANIMAL KINGDOM! Wow, it was awesome! It was so much fun! I actually really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom parade as well! it wasn't crowded and the characters came right up to us (will post A.K. parade pix tomorrow). We went inside a Vet Hospital and watched the Vet do surgery on a tiny bird! Fascinating. The kids loved the SAFARI RIDE, (we did it a couple of times), and Lily was in heaven b/c she loves animals and loved the DINO ride. Kemp loved the safari and "It's a Bug's Life"!!!! ....Have I mentioned how GREAT Daisy was on the trip? At not even 3, she did fantastic! AND, she used the POTTY the whole time! (this was HUGE! lol!). She was sooo good and loved everything, too. I loved looking at her sweet little face and wondering what she was thinking as she saw animals/characters/rode rides and saw parades! She took in all in, believe me! LOL! Nothing was sweeter than looking at the faces of my sweet little ones as they saw something for the first time. Yeah, and looking at my own BIG kids acting like LITTLE KIDS there, too! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! I can't believe to tell you just how much! I just wish we had had the Charles/Rachel/Powell and Blakely and Patrick with us!!!! BUT, one day, we'll ALL go! Maybe even BIG T!!! LOL...A few times I caught that incredible joy , you can see it too! It's the pix of Lily while on the Safari ride..... Kemp and Lily are more like siblings than cousins and they sooo enjoyed having each other. BUT, see if you can see the pix where they got mad at each other? HAHA! I had to laugh! They pouted for a few minutes, but just like with siblings, they were over it in a flash! I might have to do 2 days worth on Animal Kingdom, I have lots of shots, more coming!!!!!....Enjoy!
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